In Europe, 16.8 million years of life were lost between 2020 and 2022 due to the Covid pandemic.
Of these, 3.2 million in Spain. This is stated by a new study published in PLOS Medicine magazine for a group of researchers led by Sara Ahmadi-Abhari, of the Imperial College of London, that part of the premise that the people who died during the pandemic would probably have lived more if it had not produced and estimates that more than half of all those years of life that were lost would have lived without disabilities, even in the case of people over 80 years. Researchers have followed the trends of morbidity and mortality of the population over 35 years in 18 European countries, analyzing the rates of cardiovascular diseases, dementia, disability and death to estimate, through a computational model, the repercussions of the pandemic. Also read and, according to its report, of the 16.8 million years of evil life, between 3.6 and 5.3 million were due to deaths not related to COVID, but with the indirect impact of pandemic on mortality. Direct deaths by COVID decreased between 2021 and 2022 due to the Xavier Cervera vaccination program / of fact, the years of life lost in 2020 were fundamentally due to deaths from COVID-19, which decreased between 2021 and 2022 due to the deployment of vaccination. On the other hand, deaths not related to COVID continue to increase in most countries in those years, researchers say, due to the alterations in healthcare that caused the pandemic. In this sense, they emphasize that the years of life lost because of the pandemic vary considerably among the countries studied -they are between 20 and 109 per thousand inhabitants -, with higher mortality rates in those with the lowest gross domestic product. Differences by countries at least GDP, more mortality in absolute numbers, the study quantifies in 3.2 million the years of life lost in Spain, in 2.3 million the years of life lost in the United Kingdom, a similar figure in Germany, 2.5 million in Poland, 1.8 million in Italy, and 1.1 million in France. In all countries the loss of years of life was greater in men than in women: 9.9 million in the case of men (which corresponds to 70.1 per 1,000 inhabitants) in front of 6.9 million in women (45.9 per thousand inhabitants). The pandemic worsened the inequalities and extended the differences by sex in life expectancy Sara Ahmadi-Abhariepidemióloga, Imperial College London “the results suggest that the pandemic worsened the socio-economic inequalities in the premature mortality between countries and expanded the differences by sex in life expectancy,” the authors have assured when making their report known. They have also made it clear that the impact of pandemic was underestimated, especially among the oldest population. 60% of the loss of years of life occurred in the population of more than 80 years, and another 30% in the group of between 65 and 80, which are the groups that also record the greatest mortality not caused directly by the COVID compared to the population between 35 and 65 years. Indirect effects Many lives were spoiled due to alterations in healthcare “Our findings illustrate the long-term impact of the pandemic, which extends beyond the deaths of COVID-19,” said the main author of the study. And he stressed that although vaccination was important to limit direct deaths, they continued to lose lives due to other causes as a result of the alterations in healthcare that caused the pandemic. Lee also Celeste López in this regard, the authors emphasize that without the emergence of the COVID and everything that entailed, and considering the trends in cardiovascular disease, cognitive deterioration and functional deterioration observed in the two decades before the pandemic, the loss of 9.8 million years lived without disabilities would have been avoided, which are 58% of the total lost. “The substantial loss in years of life, especially considering that more than half would have lived without disabilities, underlines the critical need for a comprehensive pandemics program that could provide benefits for public health both immediate and long term,” said Dr. Ahmadi-Abhari.
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