While the purchasing power of the French varies according to their salary, INSEE revealed the sum earned on average by the latter. If it seems important, it hides many disparities depending on the sectors or sex in particular. Explanations. © Getty_IMAGES – This salary dynamic is not the same in all sectors. Save save receive a relatively high figure alerts, but which should be cleared. According to INSEE, the average salary in France is 2,735 euros net per month, or 3,613 euros gross monthly, or around 43,356 euros gross per year. But this sum, which seems comfortable, hides a more complex reality. Indeed, this figure, calculated on the basis of the full -time equivalent, does not take into account part -time workers. These are particularly numerous in trade or services. And their reality is very different since a part -time employee in a less paid sector will find itself well below this average amount. In addition, this salary dynamic is not the same in all sectors. If some, like engineering or health, are expanding, others see their wages stagnating, or even decrease like those of agriculture or trade, specifies the point. This distinction leads to an observation: the labor market is advancing at two speeds. With, on the one hand, the promising sectors in which wages are continuously increasing, and on the other, less qualified or difficulty professions where remuneration is stopped. This fracture is also geographically marked since in certain regions of the territory, wages climb quickly when it is more difficult in other corners of France. Read also: Salary of civil servants: Here are the 10 best -paid public service trades, women less present than men on the labor market for revenues between men and women is also a major problem that persists over the years. According to our colleagues, after having tightened 15 percentage points between 1990 and 2010, it was only reduced by five percentage points between 2010 and 2020. This disparity is first explained by the fact that women are less present on the labor market with a rate of activity below 10 % to that of men. Education also plays an important role even if girls succeed better on average than boys at school. They represent, for example, only 30 % of those in engineering schools. Receive our latest news each week, the flagship items to support your personal finances. (tagstranslate) Employment
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