A “cheetos” chips strangely resembling the “Dracaufeu” Pokémon was sold at auction. Its buyer, who remained anonymous, paid the sum of $ 87,840 on the Goldin platform. A spectacular purchase which confirms the enthusiasm of collectors for the Pokémon franchise and its derivative products, including the most unusual. © Pixabay – In 2023, a collector’s card with the image of the Pokémon Star Pikachu had been the subject of an eBay transaction at $ 1 million. Save save Receive Pokémon alerts Do you liked the banana taped to the wall at $ 6 million? You will love the Pokémon cheetos at 88,000. And we are not talking about the number of record damage inflicted on his opponent during a game session. We are talking about the price. 87,840 dollars precisely, for a chips. But some Pokémon fans are not looking at when it comes to spending money for a rare object to hang on to their collection. And this one, in this case, is unique. This chips, discovered in 2018 in the United States in a packet of spicy cheetos, strangely resembles Dracaufeu. It had been spared and carefully set aside by “1st & Goal Collectibles”, a collecting object shop located in the state of Georgia. Since, as reported by Ouest-France, the cheetos called “Cheetozard” has become a star on social networks, so much so that it was the subject of an auction on the Goldin specialized platform. From his 7 cm long, it was priced at 250 dollars. 60 auctions later, he literally burned the bank account of his buyer – who wanted to preserve his anonymity and his dignity. At this price, the happy buyer will not nibble his chips, too precious and in any case, long outdated. On the other hand, he can exhibit it in the transparent box also sporting a personalized Pokémon card. Read also: Pokémon cards: robberies and violence, when passion turns into a nightmare a spectacular craze for Pokémoncette sale derivatives confirms the phenomenal craze around the Pokemon franchise and its derivative products. In 2021, Dracaufeu, again, saw a first edition card to his effigy going to a collector who spent 418,000 euros. Two years later, a Pikachu Illustrator card had been the subject of a transaction on eBay at 1 million euros. Suffice to say that you should be attentive during your next aperitifs with friends when filling a bowl of chips. If you think you recognize Salamèche in one of them, avoid eating it and try your luck at auction. On a misunderstanding, you will become a millionaire. Receive our latest news each morning, most of the Capital news. (tagstotranslate) Pok u00e9mon
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