Established since April 1, 2013, the additional solidarity contribution for autonomy (CASA) is one of the social security contributions due by all persons receiving pension, invalidity or pre -retirement. Calculated at the rate of 0.
30 %, it is presented by the body debtoring the advantage and paid to the URSSAF. Video Capital: Additional solidarity contribution for autonomy © Halfpoint / Getty_images – Additional solidarity contribution for autonomy (CASA) safeguard safeguard receiving alerts retirement pension What is the additional social contribution to autonomy (CASA) 2024? Additional social contribution to autonomy: Definition The Additional Solidarity Contribution for Autonomy (CASA) to finance the loss of autonomy and the dependence of the elderly and disabled. The Casa is a component of the generalized social contribution (CSG), but it does not concern all the revenues of the CASA are assigned to the National Solidarity Caisse for Autonomy (CNSA), which is responsible for financed actions in favor of autonomy. 2004, the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) contributes to the financing of the management of loss of autonomy linked to aging or disability. The CNSA has been set up in the context of the reform of health insurance and the creation of the generalized social contribution (CSG). Its missions are to: finance actions aimed at improving the care of people with loss of autonomy; supporting the development of medico-social structures and services; implementing systems intended to promote the autonomy of the elderly or with disabilities. To read also: Personalized autonomy allowance (APA): Conditions and amount CASA contribution, since when does this new tax apply to retirement pensions and invalidity allowances paid since April 1, 2013. It was established by the Social Security financing law for the year 2013. To read also: minimum contributory: Conditions, amount and calculation which must pay the solidarity contribution to autonomy (CASA)? For autonomy (CASA) applies to people who perceive: the contribution is also due to annuities served as retirement savings as soon as they are considered to be replacement income with regard to the CSG (examples: Perp, Prefon, etc.). Finally, foreign employers with employees in France must pay the contribution, if they are subject to the legislation of their country of origin. To read also: Simple social assistance allowance: Conditions, requests and amount to whom the additional solidarity tax or contribution for autonomy does not apply? The contribution of solidarity for autonomy does not apply to: fighter pensions; military invalidity pensions and war victims; Advantages of old age or non-contributory disability; Mutuals paid to veterans and victims of the war. In addition, the remuneration of employees affiliated with a foreign health insurance scheme or an autonomous French social security regime (New Caledonia, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Mayotte, Polynesia) are free from the payment of CASA. Read also: Handicap compensation provision (PCH): Conditions and amount how to calculate the social contribution of solidarity to autonomy (CASA)? Additional social contribution of solidarity to autonomy: applied rate contribution is calculated on pensions, invalidity pensions, pre -retirement allowances, at the rate of 0.30 % on gross income. Revenues are not part of the calculation of the calculation of the contribution of retirement income, as capital income, already taxed by social security contributions. The overall rate already includes the additional solidarity contribution for autonomy. A taxpayer is not liable for the additional solidarity contribution for autonomy if it is exempt from CSG (general social contribution) at the reduced rate of 3.8 %. Read also: What is the day of solidarity? Exemption from additional solidarity contribution for autonomy in 2024, some people may benefit from an exemption from the payment of the additional solidarity contribution for resource conditions. If the reference income exceeds the ceiling two consecutive years, so it will be necessary to pay the Casa tax. Plafonds 2024 in metropolitis concerns the persons whose reference tax income does not exceed the following ceiling: for A part of the family quotient: 15,988 euros. For a family share of the family quotient: 20,257 euros. For two shares of family quotient: 24,526 euros. In addition: 4,269 euros. Additional quarter: 2,134.5 euros.Plafonds 2024 in Overseas Guadeloupe, Martinique, and in Saint-Martin, the resource ceilings are a bit superior: for a share of a family quotient: 17,491 euros. For a family share and a half of family quotient: 22,184 euros. For two shares of family quotient: 26,453 euros. Read also: Home maintenance: Conditions and cost Levy of the Additional Solidarity Contribution for Autonomy (CASA) for pensions and allowances of pre -retired retirement matter and pre -retirement allowances, the additional solidarity contribution for autonomy is directly levied from these advantages by the debtor organization, namely the pension fund or the insurer. It is then donated to the organizations for recovering contributions from the general regime. For invalidity pensions to acting disability pensions, the contribution is directly levied by the organization which pays the advantage to then pay them to the Central Agency of Social Security organizations. Note that the additional solidarity contribution for autonomy is not deductible from income tax. >> Our service. Residences Services… Make an appointment with a phone advisor to find the best solution for your loved ones. Receive our latest news each week, the flagship items to support your personal finances. (tagstotranslate) Retirement pension (T) Pr 00e9l u00E8Vaments Socials
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