Former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe described on Friday, March 14, the conclave on pensions of “completely above-ground” at a time when defense efforts must be produced. He also judges that it is necessary to “work more”.
© Nathan Laine/Bloomberg/Getty Images – Former Prime Minister Edouard Phillipe expands the conclave on pensions. Back up safeguarded Reforming pension reform alerts on the pension reform between social partners still have to be held? Edouard Philippe seems against. In an interview with Le Figaro, the former Prime Minister was not tender with François Bayrou. “Quite frankly, I find that this ‘conclave’ is completely above ground. I am surprised that it still exists “with regard to geopolitical changes and the defense effort which must be produced, said the former Prime Minister.” He was imagined to stabilize the political situation at the time of the vote of the budget. Alright. But we leave in the atmosphere the idea that we could return to the boundary reform. The truth is that given the threats, we would do well to bring together social and political forces, not to ask them whether to return to a reform already voted, but to wonder how to adapt to a considerable, almost existential effort, “developed Edouard Philippe. Read also: Pensions: The president of the CPME ready to discuss without taboos or “red lines” towards a new mandate in Le Havre? During his declaration of general policy in January, François Bayrou announced the holding of a “conclave” between unions and employers to revise the controversy reform of 2023, which brought the legal retirement to 64 years. These consultations started on February 27. The FO union slammed the door immediately. Unions and employers are supposed to meet every Thursday at least until the end of May. François Bayrou undertakes to submit a possible agreement, even partial, to the appreciation of Parliament. In addition, Edouard Philippe indicates that he will present his program for the presidential election “from May 2026”, “after the municipal elections” of March 2026 during which he will seek a new mandate at the town hall of Le Havre. “I will propose a new pension system, which will retain an important level of solidarity, but which will have to balance its funding without resorting to public debt. Furthermore, resting the pensions regime exclusively on distribution has become nonsense. Our demography condemns the current system, ”explains the mayor of Le Havre in particular. Read also: Pensions: Is the deficit 6 billion euros or 55 billion? A system based on three regimes “Finally, I am convinced that without going to a universal regime, a retirement system that would be based on three diets – one for private workers, one for public agents, one for the self -employed – would be infinitely more fluid, clearer and fairer. You have understood that I will propose a magnitude reform, “he adds, without explicitly evoking the departure of the starting age at 65, 66 or 67 years, as he had recommended in 2021. Edouard Philippe also explains wanting to impose” a ‘golden rule “” which would “be forced to return to a financial balance in ten years”. The president of the Horizons party, which brings together his troops on Sunday in Lille, reiterates his criticism of an absence of substantial reforms. “I saw the work program proposed by the Prime Minister to parliamentarians. I do not believe that it is marked by an exceptional density, “he said in Le Figaro, multiplying the spikes towards François Bayrou.” Working more “to preserve the social model” We live in a world that changes quickly and our country seems struck by a kind of stillness. I am not saying that what the government is doing is without interest, and I know the political situation, but I regret that no magnitude reform is prepared. As NATO cracks and multilateralism collapses, devote our energy to evoking the voting system in Lyon, Marseille and Paris seems curious. Baroque itself “, insists Edouard Philippe. Finally the former Prime Minister judged that to be” able to defend what we are, our freedom, our democratic and social model “, it will undoubtedly be” working more “. “Work more in the week, or in the year. At 28 or 40 years old, we can probably work more than at 60. It will also mean working longer in life, “he told Le Figaro. Receive our latest news every week, articles to read to better anticipate your retirement. (tagstotranslate) R u00e9forms pension
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