Among applause of emotion, the solidarity train arrived at 7.47 to the viticultural, the last railway station before Bahía Blanca.
The formation, which was an initiative of the Solidarity Net Pigüé.ropa, food, cleaning articles are some of the many needs that Bahía Blanca must cover after the floods that occurred last Friday. The Argentine Naval Prefecture (PNA) and the Airport Security Police (PSA) are present. At 8 in the morning, hundreds of micros begin to reach the immediate viticultural to celebrate and congratulate the solidarity action that has the adhesion of the fraternity, the Railway Union (UF), the Railway and Serennial Superior Personal Person Volunteers: “We are very committed to the donations that arrive at the Liniers Athletic Club and we wanted to come here today to help.” More than 25 trucks will be calculated that will be available to transfer donations once the wag download work is done. Everything will be sent to the Municipality of Bahía Blanca, which will be in charge of the distribution process. It will be an arduous work that just begins, since due to the amount of donations, a selection work will have to be done. Therefore, they now ask that donations focus on drinking water, cleaning elements, especially lavandina, and mattresses. Also non -perishable foods, since there are areas that are running out of food because there are many supermarkets and warehouses that remain closed. .
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