Bella Ramsey, the protagonist of the series “The Last of Us”, was recently diagnosed with autism after a series member of the series will notice certain signs in her behavior during the filming of the first season. During an interview she maintained with the British media Vogue British, Bella Ramsey, 23, said that the comment she received from her partner, which she had a daughter, which had a daughter, which had a daughter, which had a daughter with autism, They lit her alarms.
If well she suspected that she could suffer from it, this encouraged her to seek professional help to receive a formal diagnosis. You have to take it as something negative, the actress declared that receiving the diagnosis helped to understand the things that happened to her throughout her life and that improved her technique when acting: “I have always been observing and learning of the people. With those around me he has helped me. ” These people are those who have brains that work differently from what is considered the norm. But this was the first time that he dared to tell him before the media and, for the words of the actress, he made her feel completely released: “I unmask me instantly,” he said then, “there is no reason for people not to know.” Even so, he felt more comfortable with the adult company and not so much with his adolescents. Also, that he had other clues, such as common sensory sensitivity in people with ASD and that sensitized the micro expressions and body language that he saw in other people. “My experience when moving around the world is like that of an autistic person.” With respect to his passage through the recording set, I assure that he does not come from an acting family, but that she always felt it in her DNA. The truth is that the young actress breaks her acting: after her revelation role in Game of Trones, Ramsey played Mildred in the adaptation of the worst witch of the BBC, however she declared that she left the series at the end of the third season, since the pressure and responsibility she had to assume with only 12 years, it was too which openly tried was his diagnosis of anorexia nervosa and that he could overcome it thanks to Jesus. Bella in 2018 posted in her X account and expressed what was happening at that time: “Well, today is World Mental Health Day. I wondered when it would be a good time to share my story. And today is the day. More than a year ago I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa.” I’ve Been Wondering When A Good Time Would Be To Share My Story. And Today is the day. Just over to year ago I was in a habit that helped him free himself from the fault he felt for eating.
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