Beware, the scam at the judicial invitation by email is back!

Accessful summons emanating from the miners’ protection brigade in collaboration with Europol is currently circulating. Scholars accuse you of child pornography or pedophilia. Caution. © Kenstocker/Adobe Stock – Watch out for this false email announcing a court invitation. Backing up save Receive the scam alerts is a scam that appeared a few years ago already, but which had, it seems, disappeared from traffic. She is back! As Capital noted, crooks pretend to be police officers of the miners’ protection brigade (BPM) who would collaborate with the European Police Office (Europol). Through a phishing campaign sent by email, the object of which is “accusation”, followed by a file number, the crooks write: “Following an investigation, your IP address and your email were associated with illicit activities.” The name of the sender is presented as “Pol-Inter-Gendarmerie” and a PDF file is added container. In this email that Capital has been able to get Capital, it is specified that the commander of the BPM, a certain Romain Pascal, addresses this false summons for acts of “child pornography, pedophilia, cyberPornography, exhibitionism, sexual traffic and misappropriation of minors”. “You are the subject of several legal proceedings according to the Criminal Code,” add the sour. Read also: Scam: Watch out for these false emails, allegedly sent by a government site, an email whose sender is based in Italys the authors of the email put pressure on the recipients by adding that the penalties are accentuated “when proposals, sexual assault or rape could be committed by using the Internet”. To avoid any problem? You must respond by email to the address indicated at the bottom of the convocation, namely “” within “72 hours”. Otherwise, “after this period, we will be obliged to transmit our report to the Office of the Deputy Prosecutor near the High Court of the Europol police” and you risk being died “as a sexual delinquent”. Obviously, the identity of Romain Pascal, presented as the commander of the BPM, was usurped. But other elements must put the chip in your ear. First, a judicial invitation is never sent by email, even less for such facts. Then, the sender’s email address is another element that should alert you. Even if the sender is presented as “Pol-Inter-Gendarmerie”, the address comes from Italy: “”. © DR/CAPITAL – A false email allegedly emanating from the miners’ protection and Europol brigade is currently circulating. As for the email address placed in a copy, “”, it does not exist. Not to mention the last sentence of the email: “We are impatiently awaiting your news”, which may seem out of words given the gravity of the facts. As a reminder, when the gendarmerie sends an email, the latter always ends with “”. Note that you can still report this kind of scam on the Pharos of the Government platform. Receive our latest news every day, selecting the main news of the day. (tagstotranslate) Arnaks

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