Mars packaging, McDonald’s plastic as well as plenty of covid masks: recycled plastic waste enables it to nest in the middle of large cities. Some nests are even used for decades, as is clear from old plastic packaging. After the analysis of a number of nests in the city center of Amsterdam in the specialist journal “Ecology”. The team for Auke-Florian Hiemstra from Leiden University collected nests from Blßhühner (Fulica Atra) in the center of Amsterdam in autumn 2021. When dismantling the plastic, which is largely made of plastic, the researching layer came up with layer on ever older plastic remnants. There was a nest in a channel in a channel in a hollowed -out metal tube that was enough – curiously opposite the archaeological museum of the University of Amsterdam. In it, the team met with 635 plastic residues. More than 200 of them came from food packaging, 32 of which were decipherable and were therefore dated. Packaging from 1994 The oldest plastic parts went back to the 1990s: a Mars pack pointed to the 1994 World Cup in the USA, some of the many McDonald’s packs came from 1996. Lined, so came from 2020 at the earliest. “The nest tells the entire history of these birds in Amsterdam,” says Hiemstra.auke -Florian Hiemstra examines in suffering bird’s nests of Blßhühner. According to the study, the animals for the first time first indicate that the study has been used for breeding to breeding in the city center of Amsterdam, where there are hardly any such building material, according to the study. This, the team writes, saves the birds to the elaborate annual nest building. The only other bird species that nested next to the purehuhn in the center of Amsterdam is the study, by the way, is the hood diver (podiceps cristatus). He can also build his nest with plastic.
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