The ultra -rightist Jair Messias Bolsonaro, 69, is the undisputed chief of the opposition in Brazil, although he is disabled to attend the elections and the doors that the Supreme Court decides if he accepts the complaint and judges by coup. “An elections without Bolsonaro would be to deny democracy,” said the retired captain before thousands of followers this Sunday at Carioca de Copacabana beach in an electoral preheating climate. “If I am so bad, that they defeat me,” the former president has challenged judges and rivals with his eyes on the presidential 2026. The rally has also served to claim that the assailants of the institutions in Brasilia who are free, such as those guilty of taking the Capitol, in Washington. There it was via presidential pardon, here they already process an amnesty law. Four governors, including those of São Paulo and Rio de Janeir The last days the acts in other cities distressed to concentrate in Rio. The Ultra, who has phagocyted almost the entire Brazilian right, lives one of the worst moments of his political career. The Prosecutor’s Office accuses him of leading an attempted coup against President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and other crimes that can add 43 years in jail. Within nine days, 25, one of the Supreme rooms will begin to deliberate if you accept the complaint and feel it on the bench. For retired Bolsonarist Isis Melo, accusations are a hoax: “Bolsonaro is persecuted unfairly. There was no attempted attempted, no one in their right mind believed that story. A blow without weapons? Without the army helping? It was a montage they did to harm us, ”he said in Copacabana under the morning calorazo.It is the thesis that Bolsonaro has been defending. This Sunday has insisted that, the day that thousands of his followers took the heart of the heart of Brazilian democracy, acted without a leader and that, in any case, he was thousands of kilometers, in the United States. And before his followers he has promised not to flee. “I will not leave Brazil,” he has proclaimed in a speech in which he has also said “I will be a problem for them (the Supreme), imprisoned or dead.” His most faithful have asked: “If something happens to me, keep fighting.” Trump’s resounding victory is a powerful inspiration for Bolsonarism. The stage was adorned with the photo of the moment Trump suffered an attempt to murder and reacted to the shout of “fight, fight, fight” in addition to the flags of Brazil, the United States and Israel. Bolsonaro continues to act as if it were not disabled until 2030 and had the expedited path to present the elections. “I have doubts whether or not,” said Roberto Dias. But if he succeeds, he will vote because “he was not corrupt, he did not rob and did good things for the country.” If not, he will vote for who the former president says, be it Tarcisio de Freitas, governor of São Paulo, the wife, Michelle Bolsonaro; The son Eduardo Bolsonaro … although Bolsonaro has been far from the exhibition of force he was looking for, his main adversary, President Lula, is at a low moment with a support of 24%, according to the most recent Datafolha, the worst data of his three mandates. And the Workers Party is immersed in a bitter battle to choose president of the acronym. The motto of the Bolsonarist rally were the so -called political prisoners, those convicted of the assault of January 8, 2023 in Brasilia. For judges and half Brazil, they participated in a coup attempt; For the other medium, that was just vandalism. More than 300 of the material authors have been sentenced to long penalties with an explicit eagerness to dissuade possible future emulators. While the Supreme now looks at the accused of leading and instigating a coup plot – Bolsonaro and another 33 men, including many other military -, Congress, where Bolsonaro’s allies are a major Falling 17 years in prison, when Brazilian justice releases through traffickers every day, ”explained businessman Moura. “We are fighting for Brazil, because the economy is going to pique and here is a man who decides everything, Alexandre de Moraes, that is our dictator,” in reference to the judge who directs the investigations for the attempted attempted and closed X.The women have had an unusual prominence in the rally. Bolsonaro and several of the speakers who have accompanied him have evoked the cases of several of the convicted, grandmothers or young mothers, sentenced to between 14 and 17 years in jail. Among the public, Professor João Carlos Francisco Barreto insisted: “They did nothing, they were with Run Osario in their hand. They only asked for honesty and transparency in the elections, because there was clearly fraud. ” Many did not even respond, but half a hundred people have accepted them, so that they avoid jail in exchange for paying a fine, those who have money; Do not use social networks in two years and make a course on democracy. (Tagstotranslate) America
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