José Bretón has recognized for the first time to have committed the parricide that ended the life of his two children, Ruth and José, 6 and 2 years old, on the farm of the burners, in Córdoba, after spending in jail 14 of the 25 years of conviction for the double murder. The vicar crime, committed in September 2011 after the mother of the creatures communicated her intention to break the romantic relationship that united them, left Spanish society knocked out for the cruelty of the facts after verifying that the kids had been medicated with anxiolytics and their bodies had been burned in a bonfire.
It has been the writer Luisgé Martín, who exchanged with Breton up to 60 letters during his internment in different prisons, who has announced the confession of the murderer in El Confidencial, a series of conversations that will be revealed in a book under the title ‘The Hate’, of Anagrama, which will be published shortly. In the published text, Breton states that the motivation of crime was not revenge. Apparently, as he pointed out, he agreed with Ruth’s decision to separate, although he considered that the little ones should not be educated by “the toxic family” of the mother and wanted to end “the uncertainty” of “what was going to happen now with my children.” That “anguish,” he says, led him to act that way. No previous research. He made use of the medications that had prescribed him, the firewood on the farm and “alone” had to buy diesel “needed that situation to end, that doubts and uncertainty disappear. It is as if I had put a monster inside my head that would not let me sleep or think about anything else. I could not find solutions. And every day was worse than the previous one ”it is collected from the information provided by this means. Given this situation, he acted without prior research, he says. In a weekend that Ruth and José had to pass with his father, he took the opportunity to kill them after having prepared it and thinking about everything. It was October 8, 2011 when he consumed the crime. What was clear is that the little ones had to die “without suffering”, for which he used the medication that had been prescribed (orfidal and motivated, anxiolytics and tranquilizers) until, as he said, the boys died. Then the bodies had to be disappeared because “without bodies there is no crime, that is in any police novel.” To do this, he made use of the “firewood” on the farm and “I just had to buy diesel.” He secured, according to the story, that neither of his two children breathed and burned them. “They didn’t find out what was going to happen. They trusted me. There was no fear or pain or any kind of suffering, ”explains the murderer to Martin. He then made the pantomime of simulating losing them in the Park of the City of Children until the investigations pointed to him and was sentenced by the Provincial Court of Córdoba to 40 years in prison in July 2013 for the double murder where the kinship, the premeditation and the ruthless character demonstrated by Breton in the execution of the facts mediated as aggravating. In March 2015, the conviction was lowered up to a maximum of 25 years, although years later, in 2015, it would be reduced to 25 years of jail.
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