According to a study published by Anil on March 14, rent levels vary from simple to triple in France. © Adobe – The city of Châteauroux displays the lowest median rent in France, less than 7 euros per square meter for a three rooms, according to the Anil. Save save Receive rent alerts you are thinking of buying an apartment in order to rent it to build up an additional income, as retirement approaches. But where to invest, in order to maximize your rental profitability? Published by the National Housing Information Agency (ANIL) This Friday, March 14, the study on rent levels in France provides interesting response elements. Within the agglomerations studied by anil, the median rent of a three -piece, the type of property most frequently rented, varies from simple to triple: it culminates at 24.1 euros per square meter in Paris while it is less than 7 euros to Châteauroux, in Indre. Logically, the highest rent levels are observed in large metropolitan plans, Demographic and economic, such as the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines and French Genevans. Without reaching the capital’s record, the Paris agglomeration is characterized by “particularly high rents”, with a median at 15.4 euros per square meter for a three rooms, a consequence of a housing request much higher than the offer, explains the Anil. For this same reason for “tension” of the housing market, rents are also raised in the Alps, near the Swiss border, at 14.2 euros per square meter in the agglomeration of Annemasse and 12.8 euros in that of Annecy. The Mediterranean periphery also displays among the most expensive rents in France, especially in the Nice agglomeration, on the Var coastline and in the metropolis of Aix-Marseille. Supervised rents and tax on vacant housing, the agglomerations where the rent levels are the lowest, that is to say less than 8 euros per square meter, are those of Châteauroux, Alençon, Saint-Étienne, Mâcon, Chalon-sur-Saône, Alès and Montauban. These agglomerations, which mostly have less than 150,000 inhabitants, have in common a demographic and economic dynamism otherwise less important than large metropolises, and the supply and demand for housing are quite balanced. The chapter of rents, measured between January 1, 2021 and January 1, 2023, the increases are moderate in the most “tense” Supervised during the relocation or renewal of the lease. The donors must thus rely on the reference index of the rents (IRL), determined quarterly by INSEE, to reassess their rent. Lille, Grenoble, Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, Montpellier even displayed rent developments lower than the IRL because they are affected by the tax on vacant dwellings, which pushes the owners to put their rental property at all costs. Evolutionary rates lower than the IRL are also observed in cities of smaller agglomerations, characterized by poorly tense rental markets and particularly low rents, such as Arras, Montbéliard, Besançon, Chalon-sur-Saône or Mâcon. Conversely, the highest increases concern cities located outside the zoning of the tax on vacant housing, like Lorient, Vannes, Saint-Malo, Vitré, La Roche-sur-Yon and Les Sables d’Olonne. Receive our latest news every week your appointment with real estate news. (tagstotranslate) Rent
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