Buying an electric bike (VAE), whether for an ecological, economical or practical reason, allows you to benefit from several state aid. Who is the bike bonus and the conversion bonus to? What are the steps to touch them? What is the amount of bicycle aid in 2024? Until when can we benefit from it? We take stock.
Video Capital: Help for the purchase of an electric bicycle: what you need to know © Adobe Stock – Bonus Bike, Conversion bonus: what you should know how to save save Receive the electric bike alerts What are the financial aid of the State for the purchase of an electric bicycle? Plan Vélo and walking in place in 2018, the Plan Vélo and Mobilities, today called Plan Vélo and Marche Favor non -polluting methods of travel to the individual car. And thus to reduce the carbon footprint of citizens. In the context of this device, the State offers two aids to buy an electric bicycle. The latter can be combined with each other. The ecological bonus or bonus Ecological bonus bonus, also called bike bonuses, is a financial aid for the purchase of a traditional bicycle, a cargo bike, an electric bicycle … It had to end on December 31, 2023, but the decree of February 12, 2024 extended it until 2027. In 2024, the bonus bike also opens with used bikes sold A professional and identified. The conversion premium for conversion is granted for the purchase of a new or used electric assistance bike, replacing a thermal vehicle. The allocation of the premium depends on the tax situation of the owner of the electric bike. Good to know: ecological bonus and conversion bonus can be combined, including with local aid implemented by communities. Île-de-France, the Grand Est, the Pays de la Loire, Occitanie and Corsica, for example, grant aid that can go up to 600 euros. Read also: Bike insurance: which insurance to choose? What types of electric bicycle can you buy with aid? Aid can affect either the purchase or rental (for a period greater than or equal to 2 years) of the following equipment: an electric bike; an electrically assisted bicycle; an electric folding cycle; a VAE adapted to a handicap situation; an electric trailer. Heats the type of VAE, the bicycle must be new or used, with unleaded battery. Read also: Vélib ‘: Condition, subscription and price which can benefit from the bonus bike? To benefit from the bike bonus, whether it is a new electric bicycle with electric assistance, new or used, certain conditions imposed by law must be complied with. Conditions to receive a subsidy for the purchase of a major electric bike; be domiciled in France; not to sell the bicycle in the year following its purchase. Conditions of resources. It is divided into two aid tranches. The first tranche concerns: individuals with disabilities, individuals with a reference tax income less than or equal to 7,100 euros. The second tranche concerns individuals with a tax income of reference by share less than or equal to 15,400 euros. What is the amount of the ecological bonus bike in 2024? The amount of the bike bonus varies according to the type of bicycle and the tax income. It cannot exceed 400 euros for individuals. For ordinary bikes, without electrical assistance, the aid is limited to 150 euros maximum. Read also: How to take a Vélib ‘? What are the conditions to benefit from the conversion premium? Conditions to benefit from the conversion bonus are both the type of vehicle (old or polluting) sent to the scrapyard and the revenues of its owner. The thermal vehicles concerned by the premium at the Cassele vehicle must: be a car or a utility prior to 2006 for petrol engines; being a car or a utility above 2011 for diesels; being registered in France; belonging to its owner for at least a year. An electrical device; extended bicycle (longtail), assisted by an electrical device; bike adapted to a disability situation, assisted by an electrical device; electric folding bike. The income conditions of the owner owner of a old vehicle sent to the scrapyard can benefit from a conversion premium for the acquisition of an electric bicycle. And this, provided that its reference tax income is: less than or equal to 24,900 euros, less than or equal to 7,100 euros (or that the individual is disabled). What is the amount of the Prime Prime to the Electric Bicycle? Amount according to the reference tax income for income less than or equal to 24,900 euros, the maximum amount of the premium is 1,500 euros. For people with disabilities or with tax income of reference less than or equal to 7,100 euros, the amount amounts to 3,000 euros maximum per bicycle, up to a bicycle per person. Tracking and that his local authority has paid him aid to buy or rent a VAE, the conversion bonus is increased by 1,000 euros. This additional aid can increase to 3,000 euros if the individual has local aid. What are the procedures to benefit from bicycle aid? Make his request on Primealaconversion.gouv.frsi You meet the above conditions, submit your assistance request (ecological bonus and/or conversion bonus) on the site, within six months of the bill. Filling out the requesting file must imperatively attach the following parts: refund of the electric bike amount (ecological bonus or conversion bonus) may be directly deducted from the invoice by the seller when buying or renting the electric bicycle. The professional will then be reimbursed by the State. If the latter refuses to advance the amount of the aid, the owner of the bike must make his request for reimbursement on the site. Receive our latest news each morning, most of the Capital news. (tagstotranslate) v u00e9lo u00e9lectric
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