Young people now admit to an uninhibited way to have recourse to counterfeiting. The practice is assumed and has even become a trend. Compared to the originals, counterfeit products have many advantages, beyond the price, for the generation Z. © Getty_images – by ordering on Snapchat or Tiktok, the package arrives only a few days later. Save save Receiving Luxury alerts has become a real trend. If counterfeiting is an illegal practice, it is now completely uninhibited among young people. Indeed, according to a study by the European Union office, 29 % of French people aged 15 to 24 buy counterfeit products. In front of schools, high school students even jostle themselves to show their comrades their counterfeit clothes. Among girls, the Louis Vuitton scarf, the Gucci cap or the Prada bag wreak havoc when among boys, it is especially the Dior sneakers that are all the rage. “I buy false, it must be said,” says Lili, in the first class, to Franceinfo. “I cannot afford to buy real, so I buy false!”, Ensures another high school student. Many of them justify this practice by the price of counterfeit products. For example, the young girls set their sights on a Goyard bag and pay it 20 euros instead of the 1,400 euros. “Everyone has it, but no one has the real one,” quips a high school student. To read also: counterfeiting: definition, recourse and sanction The difference between the false and the original is hardly noticed “it is a good way to integrate into society because today we are afraid of the gaze of people and therefore we all want to dress with marks,” says a high school student. If the difference between the false and the original is hardly noticed, it is also much easier to find the products than before, through Chinese websites or social networks. By ordering on Snapchat or Tiktok, the package only arrives a few days later. To fight against the trivialization of this practice, the union of manufacturers representing thousands of brands, recognizes “that a large dialogue is underway with the largest platforms which make it possible to make progress in the detection of counterfeits”. Resources are also available to consumers such as a QR code allowing you to know immediately whether the product is a counterfeit or not. However, counterfeiters often manage to imitate this device … Receive our latest news each morning, the information to remember on the financial markets. (tagstotranslate) Luxury
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