“Curse“ Call of the Grave ”” Chan Jay Hyun-an extraordinary Korean horror about national self-awareness due to the name, the picture was almost not noticed in Russia, but this is the main contender for the “Asian Oscar” ”

On March 16, in Hong Kong, the 18th time will be awarded “Asian Oscars”-Asian Film Awards. The leader in the number of nominations (11) was the film of the Korean director Chan Jay Hyun “Exhuma”, who was in the Russian rental of the unsubscribed. Perhaps the reason for this is at the same time a template and heavy name chosen by the distributors: “Curse” Call of the Grave “.” Anton Dolin, however, believes that this outstanding picture deserves close attention. Not only an unsuccessfully chosen rolling title, but also dubbing can kill the pleasure of watching this exquisite horror. At the very beginning of the stewardess, one of the main characters, the professional shaman, Rim (the star of the cinema and the series Kim Go Yong), for the Japanese woman, and she answers the impeccable Japanese; Knowledge of the language will subsequently be useful to it when communicating with a powerful spirit. When the aircraft lands, Grand Rome and her junior assistant in the rituals of Pon Gil (Lee Before Hyun are better known for television films) in Los Angeles. Their customers, the descendants of the rich and powerful Korean family, are used to communicating in English: already their second generation lives in the States. Many -language paintings are an unobtrusive reminder of the growing power of Korean cinema, constantly expanding the audience and genre areas. Its director Chan Jay Hyun is the rising star of the Asian horror, whose debut “Priests” (2015) made a lot of noise. The new picture became a record holder for fees in South Korea in 2024. It is dedicated to specific, purely national injuries of the past and affects the most sensitive scars – that is, this is the film primarily for the Koreans. At the same time, formalistic skill, the ability to build a bewitching story and fill it with believable, multifaceted, complex characters will appreciate the viewer of any culture. This is a movie of manual dressing, in which the master’s sound design, earthy shades of the visual row and man-made special effects make it clear: in front of us is by no means a trivial exercise in the genre. When American medicine turns out to be powerless before the mysterious illness of the newborn heir – he cries for no reason and without stopping, the thicknesses recall the art of Korean shamans. Grand Rome is diagnosed instantly: a family curse. The treatment is also prescribed – the immediate exhumation of the baby’s great -grandfather, buried in Korea. Hence, in fact, the original name “Exhuma”. Four are taken for the procedure: experienced specialists join a pair of young shamans-an expert on the grave fengh kim San Doc and his colleague Yong Gyon, selling ideal areas for the burial. The first is played by the legendary ChVE Min Sik (“Oldboy”), the second – one of the most famous characteristic artists of the country Yu Hai Jin. Before us is a film about the obsession and exile of the demon – a venerable, respected genre. In the process of gradual exposure of intrigue under the beautiful carved coffin of the great -grandfather, buried in the nameless grave on the slope of the remote mountain, new sinister secrets are found. In the same way, the usual procedures of exorcism, for the western look extremely exotic, are involuntarily replaced by feverish improvisation. It suddenly turns out that at stake a calm dream of not only an innocent child, but his entire vast family. Moreover, under the threat of the life of the four heroes, recklessly taking up the overwhelming task, and their almost invincible opponent holds all of Korea under the invisible oppression. “Exhuma” is divided into several chapters: Chan Jay Hyun – not only the director, but also the screenwriter of the film – demonstrates the art of progressive disclosure of problems, which initially seem insignificant, scheduled by dotted line. The main one is national identity, which cannot be based on blind observance of ancient rituals, but is obliged to be guided by reflection and a constant analysis of the past. You can compare this process with excavations of an ancient burial, during which you must turn from a shaman into an archaeologist. After all, it is necessary not only to extract the coffin from the grave, but the remains from the coffin, but also to understand who is buried here and why, how the history of half -forgotten generations affects us here and now. Involuntarily recalls the “repentance” of Tengiz Abuladze – the ruthless exhumation of Stalinism, which launched the ethical revolution of perestroika. The curse of the great-grandfather, not accidentally buried in a secluded place hidden from the eyes, which is guarded by foxes (mystical animals for both Korean and Japanese mythology), is closely related to his lifetime mission: he was a prominent loser official during the years of the Japanese occupation of Korea. But this is not the lowest layer of excavations, which is hinting at a terrible snake with a human face, crawling out of the grave immediately after the exhumation. The neighborhood of the grave with the Buddhist monastery, where the monk once lived, whose Korean name resembles the Japanese word “kitsune” (that is, the werewolf fox), is also not accidental. A frightening story is told with elements of infectious everyday humor. The viewer is not allowed to forget for a second that chamans-characters exist in the modern world, using mobile phones, going to the gym, constantly solving household issues. For example, the daughter of Kim San Doca is pregnant, but she has not yet played the wedding – and this at first occupies him much more than the exhumation and exile of evil spirits. However, the quickly birth of a child serves as another reminder of the continuous connection of generations: if grandfather does not enter into dangerous martial arts with an evil spirit, the grandson will not be greeted. The mysticism of the past is rooted in the present, digging it out of the dust of everyday life is a complex detective work and at the same time an important social mission. It is difficult not to feel envious of Korean filmmakers, who so convincingly analyzing the political injuries of the past, but do not forget about the immediate task – to captivate and entertain, scare and console the audience. We launched the “raft”-a telegram channel, where they talk about culture in the era of bad news. Every day, the editors of Medusa Sofya Vorobyova and Anton Khitrov talk about cinema, series, music, literature and contemporary art. Subscribe: we will be saved together in the storm. Berlinal-2025. “Mickey 17” is the long-awaited picture from the author of “Parasites” Pon Jun Ho Khona Robert Pattinson and giant beetles against earthlings-colonizers, led by a parody of Donald Trumpaberlinal-2025. “Mickey 17” is the long-awaited picture from the author of “Parasites” Pon Jun Ho Khona Robert Pattinson and giant beetles against earthlings-colonizers, led by a parody of Donald Trump (Tagstotranslate) News

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