Previously, the conservation of aid, such as APLs or the social housing allowance, was decided after a visit to an expert in housing. From now on, the withdrawal of the latter can be carried out on the only classification to the letter G to the DPE.
© Léna Constantin – CAF can trigger a visit by an expert responsible for assessing whether the accommodation meets the decency criteria. Save save Receive Housing alerts An addition that may well harm you. In the list of conditions to which CAF may suspend housing aid, a new indecency criterion has appeared. Until today, the conservation of aid was decided after a visit to an expert in the accommodation. The latter ruled whether the premises were indecent or not. From now on, no need for a visit since the withdrawal of aid can be carried out on the only classification to the letter G to the DPE, following a report. For reminder, the solidarity and urban renewal law promulgated in 2000 claims that “the lessor is required to give the tenant a decent housing not revealing manifest risks that can affect physical security or health and equips housing ”. Thus, in order to force the owners to comply with their obligations, the solidarity funds can activate the lever for the conservation of aid, explains Ouest-France. Read also: Energy renovation: more than 1,000 euros per square meter to bring the DPE of G to the period of 18 months of work can be exceptionally extended by six months after a report, CAF then triggers a visit by an expert responsible for assessing whether the accommodation meets the criteria of decency or not. But with the appearance of the energy diagnosis in the criteria, this visit becomes optional since the energy smokings are in fact deemed not decent. If the accommodation does not meet these criteria, the CAF retains the housing aid to which the tenant is eligible, such as the APL or the social housing allowance. So the decision is approved, the lessor is 18 months old to carry out the necessary work. Meanwhile, the amount is kept by the cash register and if the rehabilitation works are well undertaken, the whole sum will be returned to the owner at the end of the rehabilitation. Otherwise, the entire amount will be definitely lost. The 18 -month period can be exceptionally extended by six months in the event of delay in work or legal action in progress. Receive our latest news each week, the flagship items to support your personal finances. (tagstotranslate) Housing
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