National Police agents have dismantled a clandestine laboratory in the province of Alicante dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of anabolizers and steroids. The criminals, as the body has reported in a statement, obtained the active substance of Asian countries with which they had the ability to produce more 3 million doses. The criminal group formed by 11 people made the deliveries in hand guaranteeing a high degree of security. In the six records, more than 300,000 doses of illegal products were seized, three kilograms of different active ingredients, thousands of vials and empty capsules as well as more than 4,300 euros. They sold only to known people and inside the domicile investigation began when the agents were aware that a male, together with their closest circle, could be manufacturing anabolizing drugs Advanced the investigations, discovered that they made deliveries in hand and only to people of maximum confidence. In this way they developed their criminal activity with a high degree of security, since the sale was carried out only inside homes or very reserved places, which greatly hindered police work. Intentions to move the business nationwide The leader of the group had a wide network of distributors that were part of their closest circle and who worked under their command giving service to final consumers. All this criminal activity allowed income that could exceed 15,000 euros per month. Fruit of the investigations, they were able to discover that one of the distributors intended to expand the business nationwide, proposing the leader to make a brand with an attractive label that contributes greater credibility to attract new customers. Finally, this market strategy was not carried out, since if they obtained a very high volume of sales, it could attract attention and make its criminal framework be discovered.
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