In the Sarthe, a 55 -year -old teacher is gone Banque de France and over -indebted. It is indeed she who must reimburse the 400,000 euros in debts of her ex-husband, sentenced for scam. © / Pexels – She has lived a nightmare from her divorce (illustration photo). Save save Receive alerts divorced Christelle Gillot left her husband in 2013 after 18 years of marriage. Two years later, the divorce is pronounced. Before the formalization of their separation, as tells, the couple owned three pavilions, two of which were rented. At the time of divorce, the notary acts the sharing of goods. He keeps the main home and a pavilion. Christelle keeps the 3rd pavilion, then rented by her parents. But if the husband therefore keeps two goods, he is, in fact, the responsibility of the two loans of 200,000 euros each associated with it, “with a promise to dissociate”, specifies Christelle. But Christelle decides to trust her. As director of a banking agency in Le Mans, the latter will do things correctly, she then thinks. But five years later, she understands her error. In 2020, when she wished to build a house, she asked for a loan from her bank. Impossible: she learns that she is a bank of France and banking banking. She then discovered the unthinkable: “I see that all the loans have stayed in our two names and especially that almost no monthly payment has been reimbursed in five years” while the houses have been sold. Read also: Banking prohibited: Hell of consumers gone to the Banque de France Its ex-husband has usurped its signature to open false nightmare accounts is just beginning. Shortly after, she indeed received the visit of gendarmes, who want to hear it as a witness for an identity theft affair. “They explain to me that fraudulent funds had been paid to an account opened to my name,” says Christelle, who discovers the existence of another account also opened in her name and another loan in the course of 200,000 euros contracted in September 2013. On documents, the signature is not hers, which she manages to easily prove. Justice therefore launches prosecution against her ex-husband. However, despite the legal setbacks of her ex-spouse, Christelle Gillot remains united with the two loans of 200,000 euros. The man not being solvent, the banks turn to her. In 2021, she was forced to open an over -indebtedness file to the Banque de France. Since then, she has reimbursed around 800 euros per month. “I had to put my house on sale. I will also have to pay all the product of the sale “deplores Christelle, desperate to be able to bequeath anything to her children:” I will be retired without savings, completely depleted “. Read also: in the hell of over-indebtedness “I can’t get out of it since my divorce” Christelle has tried to file a complaint, in vainson ex-husband, was caught up in justice. In November 2024, suspected of having usurped the identity of 18 of his clients to take out loans and recover the money, the man was sentenced, two months later, to two years in prison, a farm of which he had to serve under electronic bracelet. But he is at least freed from the weight of the two loans he knowingly left responsibility to his ex-wife. Christelle Gillot tried to file a complaint, but in vain. She is now looking for a lawyer who will help her develop the law: “From the moment when we divorce, there must be an obligation for the notary to inform banks and demand the dissociation of loans. It cannot continue to exist ”. Receive our latest news every day, selecting the main news of the day. (tagstotranslate) Divorce
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