Appeared for the first time in 2017 in a book on overconsumption, the acronym kiss, for “need”, “immediacy”, “similar”, “origin” and “utility”, can help avoid unnecessary purchases. His creators also want to encourage us, thanks to this method, to rethink our lifestyles.
© Seniv Petro – The Kisses method helps you think about your way of consuming, controlling your expenses and avoiding unnecessary purchases. Save save Receive consumption alerts if your clothing closet borders on the implosion or your child’s room has become too small for the countless toys you buy, you are undoubtedly part of the “club” of compulsive buyers. Perhaps even those who, despite this tendency to multiply superfluous purchases, are well aware that the planet would be going willingly of this contribution to global overconsumption. The kiss method is therefore made for you. And behind this reassuring term, warm and overflowing with benevolence, hides a formidable tool to “rethink our lifestyles”, hope for its creators. This are Marie Duboin and Herveline Giraudeau, respectively a speaker on responsible consumption and specialist in environmental and societal issues which, in 2017, signed the book by which the famous kiss was launched. In “I stop overconsum!” – 21 days to save the planet (and my bank account!) “, The two authors devoted a chapter to this technique. Immediate effect: the Bisou method was massively relayed, commented and adopted, so much so that Marie Duboin and Herveline Girardeau deepened it in a book which is entirely dedicated to her, “responsible consumption abuse”, published in 2020 at Eyrolles editions. Read also: Do you know the “Nobuy2025”, the Tiktok challenge to say stop on overconsumption? “Think about yourself, your values, your ethics” kiss, what is it? These are the first letters of the words on which you must be leaning to think about your way of consuming, controlling your expenses and avoiding unnecessary purchases. But also, explains Marie Duboin at 20 minutes, “think about yourself, your values, your ethics, your sources of fulfillment”. B as “need”: “This is what need this purchase meets me and not I need it” specifies the author. In other words, “How I hope to feel by making this purchase?” If I buy this outfit when my wardrobe overflows, is it because I lack self-confidence? ” Read also: Are you one of the kidults, these consumers ready to spend fortunes in toys? I For “immediacy”: do I need this object right away? To ask the question is to think about our vulnerability in the face of advertisements and sales. “To fight against this, advocates Marie Duboin, just note the idea of product on a wishlist and consult it a week or 15 days later: in the majority of cases, we will not buy!” S as “similar”: realize that we already have an object fulfilling the same function as that which we are about to buy will encourage us more easily to rest it. O As “origin”: we touch the ethical aspect of the act of purchase and the way in which the object has been manufactured and produced. “The best friend of” O “is consuming less” decides Marie Duboin. And finally, u as “utility”: ask yourself how many times a year you will use this object and in most cases, the answer will dissuade you from buying it. Receive our latest news each morning, most of the Capital news. (tagstotranslate) Consumption
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