Because in wide fields of labor market and social policy, the responsible working group is deeply dissolved. In some points, the SPD even deviated from the probing decisions of the party leaders achieved at the beginning of March and has brought tight positions into the negotiations. This applies to the statutory minimum wage, as the paper of the responsible working group shows. The SPD side is therefore no longer sufficient for a minimum wage of 15 euros per hour in 2026. Instead, she requires a change in the law with the aim of factually disembarking the employers in the minimum wage commission and putting a legal automatic increase in increasing. This is hidden behind this somewhat cryptically acting sentence: “We reform the Milog in such a way that decisions will have to be made in consensus in the future.” The sentence is marked in red in the paper, which shows that the SPD has brought in this position, but so far no consensus has been achieved. Activating external content. So far, the minimum wage law (Milog) has been created in such a way that the increases planned every two years will only take place to the extent that the seven-member minimum wage commission decides- either with a majority among the three employer and union representatives or, if necessary, with the vote of the independent commission chairman in conflict. if it was going to set an automatic increase in increasing. The minimum wage always stairs automatically in such a way that it corresponds to 60 percent of the middle wage level of all employees. The Commission could only influence this if it recommends deviations from employers and unions. However, it was still said in the exploratory paper, which the party leaders had decided on March 8: “We stick to a strong and independent minimum wage commission.” In addition, there was talk of a target brand “15 euros in 2026”, but the decision was mostly understood that there should be no change in the law, since the goal was also “accessible” by an autonomous decision of the Commission. Citizens’ allowance that could be coherent is looking for a balance for political difficulties in this way, which it has with intensified rules for civil allowance recipients. The Union had placed great emphasis on such tightening. Now, according to the paper, several points are actually considered “united”, including the statement: “Sanctions must be enabled faster, easier and unbureaucratic.” Already in the exploratory paper it was stated that “a complete deprivation of performance” should be carried out against persistent refusers. In addition to the name – instead of “citizens’ money”, this will again affect the mechanism of the annual increases. Instead of a technical forecast value, the actual inflation in the previous twelve months should be set for inflation. The traffic lights had changed this in response to the price spurts to Putin’s attack on Ukraine. With low and less fluctuating inflation rates, the results of both calculation methods hardly differ. If you have assets, you should have to use it up to a minimum amount in the future before receiving basic security. The upper limits of this “gentle assets” should now be staggered “by life”; Anyone who gets in permanent unemployment as an older employee could keep more assets than young professionals and refugees. In addition, the job centers should receive more scope to limit the assumption of costs for “disproportionately” expensive apartments. The bottom line was that the rules would be more strictly than before the traffic lights, but milder than with “Hartz IV” before the loosening that black-red in the Corona crisis decided. In contrast, the working group has not reached an agreement as with the minimum wage and replaced its order to the higher level of the control group. For example, the SPD insists on the demographic factor in the formula for the annual pension increases so that the pensions continue to increase more even in the event of continuing unemployment than it would be the case today. The Union, which also also flirted with it temporarily, has not yet given this with no consent. This is also the technical position of pension insurance, since the mother’s pension counts as a “non -contribution -covered” service – it is granted for educational times in which insured persons have not paid any contributions. In paper, this requirement is marked red, the Union is therefore a different view. This can be concluded that it is aiming for financing through higher pension contributions for employers and employees. However, this would be in conflict with the aim of dampening the increase in work and wage incorrect costs. According to current forecasts, the sum of the social contributions, for which an upper limit of 40 percent of gross wages used to be, threatens to increase to more than 45 percent during this legislative period.
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