The volume of the gold reserves of Russia reached a record $ 217 billion. At the same time, the share of precious metals in the savings of the country for the first time since the beginning of the 21st century exceeded a third.
Experts associate this with the exciting rise in the cost of an asset in the global market, as well as changes in the financial policy of the Russian Federation over the past few years. To protect state money from the sanctions risks, the authorities completely rejected the share of the dollar, the euro and other currencies in Russian reserves, and now the strategic supply of the country consists only of rubles, yuan and gold. What are the advantages of this economy – in the material of RT. The gold reserve of Russia has reached the maximum volume in history. Such a conclusion follows from the materials of the Central Bank published on Friday, March 7. According to the regulator, by the beginning of March 2025 the total amount of gold and foreign exchange reserves (SVR) of the country was equivalent to $ 632.4 billion. Monetary savings amounted to about $ 415 billion, and the cost of monetary gold in storage was first approached $ 217.4 billion. In the way, more than a third (34.4%) of all state savings accounts for a share of precious metal. The last time such a ratio could be observed at the end of 1999, but at that moment the size of Russian SVR did not exceed $ 12 billion, and the volume of gold in them was estimated at about $ 4 billion. Also on the topic instead of dollars and euros: the Ministry of Finance advised the Russians to buy gold to save money, the cash foreign currency ceased to be a reliable remedy of the Russian Federation, Alexei said the deputy heads of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Moiseev. According to him, … “The main reason for the record growth of gold reserves is the deadllarization of the economy. Since 2014, Russia seeks to reduce dependence on the dollar in response to sanctions and geopolitical threats. In turn, an increase in the fraction of gold in reserves reduces the influence of external economic and political factors, ensuring the stability of the economy, ”explained RT analyst“ Figor Broker ”Kirill Klimentiev. We notice that gold is traditionally considered a protective asset in case of various risks. Thus, with the strengthening of political or economic uncertainty in the world, investors and countries begin to more actively buy precious metal as one of the safest ways to save money. “Gold is a universal means of accumulation, since it does not include sanctions risks and does not depend on the financial policy of other countries. That is why, after the entry of Western sanctions and freezing of part of our reserves in dollars and euros, the Russian authorities rely on gold as a more man -made and independent asset, ”said Andrei Loboda, the economist and director of Bitriver communications, and we remind, in 2022, after the beginning of his own, the United States and other allies began to announce under their scale Almost 22 various restrictions have already been approved by economic sanctions against Russia and during this time (according to the specialized database). The restrictions, in particular, affected the energy industry, trade, aviation, the banking sector and the Street. In Moscow, they managed to partially prepare for such a scenario and in the previous few years withdrew a significant part of money from American assets. Nevertheless, the Western states, primarily the European, managed to block about half of the Russian reserves by about $ 300 billion. As the CBO belonging to the CBC belonging to the Russian Federation, the non -cash currency is always reflected in correspondent accounts in foreign banks, so it was not possible to avoid its frosts. However, Moscow was able to answer the actions of the West and forbade foreigners to sell Russian securities, And also withdraw funds from the country’s financial system. As a result, the money of investors and companies from unfriendly states to the same $ 300 billion was blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation. We notice that Russia distributes reserves for several currencies and countries to minimize risks in case of various external shocks. So, for example, financial crises are usually accompanied by a drop in prices for export goods and an outflow of capital from the country. In this case, it is beneficial for Moscow to hold part of the SVR in those states with which it conducts active trade and in whose currencies the debts of companies, banks and the Government of the Russian Federation are nominated. There are no more topics for confrontation with political crises, as it was in 2022, the country needs reserves for which the sanctions of the Western states cannot influence. For this reason, in previous years, the Central Bank significantly increased the fraction of gold and yuan in the ZVR, explained the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina. “The Bank of Russia has consistently pursued a policy of building and diversification of international reserves since 2014, in fact, two pillows of safety: in case of implementing financial risks, when the need for a financial market in the US dollars and euros, and in case of geopolitical, and in the case of geopolitical Crisis, when Russia’s access to most reserve currencies can be limited. And now, after freezing reserves in its currencies by Western countries, Russia continues to have a sufficient amount of reserves in gold and yuan, ”Nabiullina explained. In this case, the storage of all reserves within Russia completely deprives the state of protection from external crises, according to the Central Bank. According to the experts of the regulator, this is how the country lived in the 1990s, and “it was an almost incessant financial crisis.” © РИА Новости / Евгений Биятов Отметим, что по состоянию на начало 2022 года основной объём российских ЗВР приходился на долю евро (33,9%), золота (21,5%), юаня (17,1%), доллара (10,9%) и фунта стерлингов (6,2%), а остальные средства были распределены по иным валютам. At that time, the most Russian SVR abroad was located in China, Germany, France, Japan, the USA and Great Britain. The Central Bank kept another part of the funds on the accounts of other countries and interstate organizations. At the same time, as now, the gold remained in the storage facilities in Russia. There is a way after that, after the sanctions introduced by the West and partial blocking of reserves, the Russian authorities completely reviewed the structure of the GDR. Now the strategic supply of the country consists only of rubles, yuan and gold. “Yuan was chosen as one of the key currencies, because China is our largest trading partner, and the ruble is the national currency, in which the government seeks to conduct as many calculations as possible. The decision to leave in reserves only these currencies, along with gold, can be called a logical strategy that allows you to maintain control over the ZVR, avoid their frost and strengthen the country’s financial sovereignty, ”Andrei Loboda explained. It is curious that the Western decision of the Russian was prompted to freeze part of the money of Russia and many states also increase its gold reserves. So, starting from 2022, world central banks began to acquire a total of 1 thousand tons of gold per year for their reserves. For comparison: from 2010 to 2021, the volume of annual purchases varied from 104 to 660 tons, the Materials of the World Gold Council (WGC) indicate. According to the organization, in 2024 the most active buyers of precious metalles included the Central Bank of Poland, Turkey, India, Azerbaijan and China. Also, the high demand for gold was recorded from the regulators of the Czech Republic, Iraq, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Qatar, Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Oman, Zimbabwe and the UAE.Senova, the experts call the rapid accuracy of the precursor of the precious market in the global market. So, over the past three years, against the background of increased geopolitical tension in the world and high demand for asset, its cost has doubled and now ranges near $ 2.9 thousand per troika ounce. Moreover, in February 2025, the quotes came close to $ 3 thousand-for the first time during all the time of observation. Also on the topic “The role of the dollar is gradually questioned”: what caused the record increase in gold prices in the world at bidding on Friday, September 20, the exchange cost of gold for the first time during the entire observation exceeded $ 2.64 thousand per troika ounce …. “High world prices for precious metal contributed to an increase in the cost of Russian reserves, and this is a positive signal for the sustainability of the Russian economy. In conditions of geopolitical instability, gold remains a liquid asset that can be used for calculations or emergency support of the economy, ”said Andrei Loboda. A simple point of view is adhere to the experts of the Broker Tourist. At the same time, analysts consider the observed increase in prices a long -term plus not only for Russia itself, but also for business. “In terms of explored reserves, Russia is only slightly inferior to Australia and is quite ahead of the closest pursuers represented by the USA and South Africa. In the production of gold per year, we give in to China only, so the increase in prices for this precious metal is important for our country and to strengthen the positions of our gold mining companies in the global gold market, ”experts concluded.
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