I must confess that I am not a great connoisseur of Ripoll, a beautiful town in Girona who I remember gone with the school at some point in the Pleistocene. However, I dare to bet with anyone that the capital of the Ripollès is not full of fascists, Nazis, xenophobes, racist or professional odiators, no matter how much there wins the municipal elections that extremely right -wing and nationalist party called Aliança Catalan.
Some facil will be, as in Barcelona, Madrid or Stockholm, because there is no one who is free from the extremes in these turbulent times, but from there to speak, about Ripoll, of the advance of fascism in Catalonia there is a stretch that is traveled with past unconsciousness. It is also true that lately, and it is only necessary to take a look at the wide world, there is no lack of hakes that seem to train hard to raise unconsciousness to the art category. Adrian Quiroga / Shooting I tell you all this because weird is the day that – with the eyes put in the Italy of Mussolini or in Hitler’s Germany – something or someone, especially the mayor of Ripoll, is not crossed out as a fascist, which leads me to think that, at this step, in our country he will soon fit one more fascist. It is angry and evidences a disgusting trivialization of the brown plague that ravaged the continent last century and loads behind it (along with the red plague) with millions of corpses, but things are so. Fascist cards are administered with joy for politicians and opinioners who call themselves “true Democrats” and have assumed, without anyone asking for it, the titanic task of unmasking fascism. That position gives them, incidentally, an amazing totalitarian power to decide how, when and who is a fascist (disguised or chest discovered). Thus, little by little, we have reached the point where anyone can afford to say “you are a fascist, I am the true anti -fascist” and feel great. A good part of citizenship distrusts democracy, but that is not fascisms, so that Putin is as fascist as Trump, I will go as Israel, Argentina as Türkiye and, in addition, the Ukraine of Zelenski. Everyone is fascist. Any authoritarian or illiberal regime is labeled as such, as if authoritarianism, racism, intolerance, opposition to abortion or extreme nationalism were not prior to fascism and last, even today, in other ideologies and latitudes. Neither Mussolini could have suspected this posthumous success. Of course, Fascist is also the one who limits himself to asking that the foreigners approved by Parliament, or an immigration management that, in the name of a misunderstanding multicultural tolerance, does not applaud creation in our cities of ghettos where the laws of the country does not govern the laws of the country. The same as those who demand an effective management of criminal policy that is aware of the high percentage of foreigners in prisons and acts accordingly. That speech does not help to understand the contemporary phenomena we face and deprive the fascism category of any historical meaning trivializing it: when everything is fascism, nothing is. Lee also Javier Melero if we followed the differentiating criteria established by the great scholar of fascism, the historian (irreprochly progressive) Emilio Gentile, Ni Vox or Catalan Aliança could participate in the distinctive features of that criminal ideology. Fascism was and expressed itself as a regime in an irrational and mythical culture based on the exaltation of the State and the Nation and a militarization of politics; in totalitarianism and imperialism, in elimination racism and in war as the ultimate goal of human life. It is clear that our societies have serious problems and attend alarming phenomena, such as the distrust of a good part of citizenship in democracy, but that is not fascism, and saying the opposite is disrespectful to their victims. Actually, we have reached such a point of confusion that it is already impossible to distinguish a nationalist movement that supports positions of the extreme Catholic right on issues such as abortion and feminism or opposes uncontrolled immigration (basically Islamic) with fascism. The next one will be to affirm that Sílvia Orriols will lead the march on Rome or that Ripoll is our 1934 Nuremberg. Let’s see who says it fatter.
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