It is “absolutely unusual” that the United States “stands with the aggressor” in the Ukraine War. Trump is going to be “the ruin of the United States”, the person responsible “for a change in global hegemony” in favor of China.
Former President Felipe González offers a panoramic view of global geopolitics in an interview broadcast in the foundation that bears his name, in which he does not avoid the analysis of Spanish political news. But the crux of that conversation focuses on the shaking starring the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, and its consequences on Europe. González criticizes that the new tenant of the Oval Office “not only does not ask Putin to be responsible with the destruction he has done in a sovereign country, but what he offers are prizes for that nonsense. Which gives free way to do anyone anywhere in the world.” “That is the Trump style,” he says, whom he describes as “Mercachifle” and defines as an “ignorant who is not aware of his ignorance.” “There is no project in which such barbarities such as transforming Gaza in a resort. The Palestinian problem will not disappear, and in this I continue appealing to the security consciousness that Isaac Rabín had because there is no more solution than the partition of Palestine and the Palestinian state,” adds.González dissects the gradual deterioration of the republican party. Trumpism “We are facing a character (Trump) who is not a Republican, and I know them well for a long experience: I have met many times with (Ronald) Reagan, many times with (George HW) Bush being vice president and president, and Trump is not a Republican: the only Republican in his government is Marco Rubio.” “It is breaking all the rules of the game. Everything reduces to business,” he says, aligned with the voices that have denounced the mixture of populism, nivism and demagogy that characterizes the current leadership of the party. “Trump will be the ruin of the United States,” says González, and his presidency “will end the international hegemony of the first democratic power of the world, Uu ”. Something that, in his opinion, will end up benefiting China. “Is this what he intends?” He asks. “He does not even know what he intends. Do you think this will benefit the US? Citizens, no. Can benefit the oligocracy that now surrounds it for a while, but to the citizens, at all,” he adds in reference to the Elon Musk and other technoligarks close to the president. Biden, Felipe González indicates that, in his opinion, the Democrats have “fallen in the default in which many progressive people have fallen: in dividing society into I do not know how many identity things that you have to add later and then do not add, in forgetting that the defense of equality is the sign of progress.” The European derivatives of Trumpism, in addition to the commercial war in the loan in the tariff European Defense, subcontracted for decades to Washington. González makes several references in that talk to the increase in defense spending. He says that “there were signs that we had to take care of our defense policy and that we had to have less dependence on others.” “There has to be European military units and coordinated European missions,” he says, while launching a criticism of those who are shown against increasing military spending that, he points out, “are always at the extremes.” “It seems perfect to me that there is a president of the commission with her initiatives and the European Parliament supporting these decisions with the majorities that are being formed in Germany”, majorities that, he says, in Spain they should be possible with an agreement between the two great parties: “If we want to make a defense policy The majority of investiture in this and other issues. “I don’t care if we deal with the issue of the Dana, which we bring the issue of security … what would really matter is that the PP and the PSOE agreed on issues that are central, vital for our ordinary life,” he says. That goes beyond the increase in defense spending. Citizens, he says, are concerned about “the problem of housing.” “For any young man, (Spain) has become an impossible country.” “For the old ones, when they send them to shut up, too.” And he points out: “To me, some of my colleagues send me to shut up every time.” “Citizenship would be delighted that there was a really PP-PSOE agreement, and this fictitious polarization barrier from above.” “Can we make a pact to face this challenge that is greatly important of European security defense at a time like that?” He asks. “Of course we can do it,” he says, and grabs the example of Germany. “It has to be a real pact, not an imposition.” At the close of the interview, the former president refers to the anniversary of Spain’s adhesion to the EU: “Imagine what situation we would not have happened in.” And he opposes that entry into the union with the death of the dictator Francisco Franco: “That Franco died in the bed was relevant to all, it relieved us; but we went out to celebrate it? No, we got under the stones to see what happened because Franco had ended, the Francoism no, and the fight for freedoms continued. From the new regime of freedoms that allowed us to Europe, we will be looking for Francoists under those of the stones and, if not, creating them. ” (Tagstotranslate) Spain
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