While she had matched her last note from a “negative perspective” last October, the Fitch rating agency maintains France’s note in AA-. © Mike Kemp/In Pictures/Getty Images – Fitch maintains France’s note. Save save receive alerts notation France can breathe. The Fitch rating agency maintained the sovereign note “AA-” from France on Friday evening, which it had accompanied in October with a “negative perspective”. This threat of lowering of the note did not materialize this time, Fitch observing that, despite its “budgetary skid” of last year, France retains a “vast and diverse” economy, with “strong and effective institutions”. The notation agency recalls that, although the public deficit went from 4.4% of GDP in 2023 to 6% of GDP – diversified “, with” strong and effective institutions “. Fitch notes, however, that the public deficit remains at a high level and that its reduction remains difficult due to political uncertainty and the absence of a majority of the Bayrou government in the National Assembly. Read also: Moody’s, Fitch… Why do we give so much importance to these rating agencies? The government wants to continue its budgetary consolidation the Ministry of the French Economy did not have to react in a press release, “taking note” of the decision of the Fitch agency “to confirm the French rating to AA-, testifying to the very high quality of the French signature, and to maintain its negative perspective”. “The government,” writes Bercy, “is determined to continue the implementation of its trajectory of consolidation of public finances initiated by the 2025 finance law and to register it over time. The absorption of our deficits is a priority ”. Receive our latest news every day, selecting the main news of the day. (tagstotranslate) Record
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