The Villa project of Gérard Depardieu has come up against years in lively opposition to Trouville. Almost finished, with a swimming pool but surrounded by brambles and abandonment, the villa would be on sale while the actor has never had the opportunity to live there. In full judicial setbacks, the latter has clearly given up there. © Didier Baverel/Wireimage/Getty – The 76 -year -old actor seems to have given up his villa in Trouville. Save save Receive the alerts Gérard Depardieu, are we moving towards the end of a judicial soap opera which has lasted for more than 10 years? This is what reports in any case, which returns this March 6 to the debate that has aroused since 2013 the villa of Gérard Depardieu in Trouville-sur-Mer. Or rather: the villa project. Because since 2011, the actor’s real estate inclinations have aroused endless debates and an showdown with local associations that tried to put an end to it. In June 2011, Gérard Depardieu obtained the building permit for his villa on the heights of the Vallon de Callenville. In this 64,247 m² plot, the actor wishes to erect a 250m² house. But the association “Les Amis de Trouville” expresses its opposition to the project. The villa will disfigure the landscape and above all, increase the risk of flooding in the region, she says. Never mind: the first picks are given in 2012. In 2013, the case was brought before the Caen administrative court which, believing that the appeal is too late, rejects the request. The Nantes Court of Appeal in 2014 will make the same decision. Read also: “Erased”, Depardieu? Real estate, wines, vodka … what remains of the “sacred monster” of French cinema of technical problems … and judicials, but the way seemed free to Gérard Depardieu and his future house, another appeal comes to upset his plans in 2015. Six years later (!), The public rapporteur of the Administrative Court of Appeal recommends rejecting the action of opponents, deemed to be inadmissible. He even asked that the association be ordered to pay legal costs. Meanwhile, the villa has started to take shape, since the start of the site in 2012. But in 2015, umpteenth twist: technical problems are added to judicial upheavals. According to the architect René Grosdoit, in charge of the project, the construction required a complete revision of the wood frame and a long wait before the work can resume, relates Read also: the mansion of Gérard Depardieu in Saint-Germain-des-Prés at the center of a vast project The actor leads to his fall his real estate project Depardieu then resigned to drawing a line on his luxurious pied-à-terre of Trouville, after having separated from several Parisian properties and his villa in Néchin, in Belgium. However, in January 2023, the machines set off again to attack the site, promising a rack of all the devils for the following summer. Las, the sacred monster becomes a fallen monster. The accusations of sexual assault is linked, it is also suspected of tax fraud and money laundering. The 76 -year -old actor leads to his fall his Norman real estate project. According to relatives, he would like to sell his house – where he never lived – live, without going through an agency. The work is still to be completed, in particular those allowing access to the property. The swimming pool is already there. Gérard Depardieu, he pulled the curtain. Receive our latest news every week your appointment with real estate news. (tagstotranslate) g u00e9rard depardieu
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