420 years ago, an outstanding Russian earthrite traveler Semyon Dezhnev was born. He discovered the northeastern end of Eurasia and the path from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific. His research brought to a new level the development of the Far East by Russia. Dezhnev’s travels laid the foundation of the modern Northern Sea Route and contributed to a significant expansion of Russian lands, experts note. According to historians, the pioneer was a brave and courageous person, while he was distinguished by honesty and kindness. It was subject to on March 7, 1605, an outstanding Russian explorer Semen Dezhnev was born. He investigated the northeastern part of Eurasia and opened the sea path from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific. “He was distinguished by honesty, conscientiousness, kindness” information about the childhood and youth of Semyon Dezhnev contained in historical sources is very scarce. He came from a family of peasants-popules living on the Pinega River. He also made a teenager with his father a sea trip to the Solovetsky Islands, and at the age of 17 he left for Arkhangelsk and entered the service of the merchant, participating in an expedition to the mouth of the Ob. Approximately in 1630, Dezhnev signed up for the royal service and was sent to Tobolsk, where he was at first a ordinary Cossack. In the future, he served in Yeniseisk and in the Yakutsk Ostrog. Historians recall that these were the lands recently joined to Russia and the stay there was very risky. The historical and architectural complex in the village of Sotins near Yakutsk, associated with the stay of the Russian explorer, Semen Dezhnev RIA Novosti © Sergey Subbotin, soon Semyon already carried out independent instructions for the collection of Yasak-natural tax, most often in the form of a fur. At the same time, he successfully laid together the warring rulers of the indigenous population. “The popularity of Semyon Dezhnev is largely explained by his personal qualities. In addition to the undoubted courage and courage, he was distinguished by honesty, conscience, kindness, the ability to find a common language with the indigenous population of the region and therefore, taking advantage of their authority, often the tribes that were hosted among themselves, ”the leading researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Nikitin said in an interview with RT. In the beginning of the 1640s, Deunes received a injury when Together with the three Cossacks, he beat off the attack of the tribe, trying to capture a large batch of furs. Graffiti with the image of the traveler Semyon Dezhnev RIA Novosti © Valery Melnikov later on the future, Dezhnev participated on the expedition in order to collect Yasak on the Oymyakon River, where the enemy repeatedly surpassed in numbers attacked his detachment. People were saved thanks to the help of local Yakuts and Tungus. In the summer of 1643, Semyon, along with satellites, reached the Kolyma River previously unknown by the Russians, where the prison was erected – a small fortress. “Dezhnev played several roles at once. He is simultaneously a traveler, a civil servant, a military man, a merchant, a researcher and an “annex” to Russia of new territories, ”said Konstantin Strelbitsky, chairman of the Moscow Fleet History Club, in a conversation with RT. When the expedition was divided, Dezhnev, along with 13 satellites, remained in a new fortification, where the Russian pioneers were attacked about 500 Yukagirov and beat them off with great difficulty. After some time, reinforcements arrived at Kolyma. Flaws and merchants rushed to new places. The memorable coin “Expedition F. Popov and S. Dezhnev” © Bank of Russia “laid a huge reserve” according to historians, in the Chukchi expedition, which will further glorify it for centuries, Dezhnev was originally involved by accident. The clerk of the Great Ustyuzhsky merchants of the Usov Fedot Popov wanted to move further east in search of rich lands. He wanted to give an official character to this enterprise, so he invited him to lead him in the state service of Dezhnev. He approved that idea. “Why did he agree to go on a campaign, we can only guess. It was probably the desire among service people – to distinguish yourself to the authorities: having made new, rich lands, you can count on raising the position and an increase in salary, and it was possible to improve the financial situation, ”said Nikitin. Reproduction of the map-scheme of the swimming route of the Russian sailor Semyon Dezhnev from the mouth of the Kolyma River at the mouth of the Anadyr River through the Strait between Asia and America. It was first passed Dezhnev in 1648, named after Vitus Bering, who arrived here in 1728, the expedition was supposed to begin in 1647, but the pioneers could not advance due to the fact that the ice was closed to the east. A year later, seven butt ships entered the sea. The fate of most of them is reliably not known. Researchers believe that only three of them reached the northeastern end of Eurasia, and another koch broke there. The two remaining vessels passed the Strait, which, as we know today, shares Eurasia and America. According to historians, Dezhnev and members of his expedition visited only a few islands in the strait, which Beringov would be called later, and did not reach the coast of the American mainland. In the future, two heads were divided during the storm. Popov and members of his team died under the circumstances that were not completely clarified. And Dezhnev and his companions were able to land to the shore south of the mouth of the Anadyr River. They reached the river and twisted it on it, and then the survivors built boats and moved west. In 1650, the dezhnevites met with Russian explorers moving east by land. “The Russian colonization was fundamentally different from the European one in which it implied the study and development of new lands, and not the robbery and slave trade. So, Dezhnev was a Russian colonialist in the best sense of the word, ”said Strelbitsky. View from the hill of an eagle nest on the Amur Bay. The cross was placed in 1998 in honor of the 350th anniversary of the Cossacks of the Cossacks Semyon Dezhnev to the Pacific Ocean RIA Novosti © Vitaly Ankov Semen Dezhnev carried out a great research work, which had important scientific and economic significance: he created a detailed map of the Anadyr River and found a huge roy of walruses in the sea, whose fangs were appreciated at that time, 1659 For year, Dezhnev handed over to the leadership of the Anadyr prison to another servant person – Kurbat Ivanov. He himself and the party of walrus fangs moved to Yakutsk, and then to Moscow. “Dezhnev returned to the capital with a whole convoy of the walrus, a serious share in which belonged to him personally. This immediately made him a rich man, ”said Leonid Kruglov, director of the Russian Geographical Society, in an interview with RT. The petition to the king Alexei Mikhailovich is quiet from the Russian traveler, explorer, sailor Semen Dezhnev. The exhibit of the Kamchatka Regional Museum of Local Lore of RIA Novosti © Vsevolod Tarasevich, in addition, the authorities paid him an official salary for 19 years and, having evaluated his numerous merits, made Dezhnev to atamans. There are no unequivocal opinion on how widespread the information on Dezhnyov’s discovery from the Severny Family to the Pacific Ocean. Some say that the records of the chieftain were lost for decades, and everyone quickly forgot about his oral reports. Others argue that Vitus Bering, who in the XVIII century examined the northeastern part of Eurasia, already knew well that Chukotka was borne by Russian sailors long before him. In any case, the strait, according to which Dezhnev passed at the end of the first half of the 17th century, is called Bering. Sam Dezhnev in the 1660s successfully carried out administrative instructions of the tsarist government in Siberia. In 1670, he headed a group of civil servants who accompanied the Sobolinn treasury to Moscow. He arrived in the capital in early 1672. After some time, the pioneer became seriously ill and died. The exact date of his death is unknown. The lighthouse at Cape Dezhnev in the Chukchi Autonomous Okrug. This is the extreme eastern point of the Chukchi Peninsula and, accordingly, the extreme eastern mainland of Russia and the whole of Eurasia RIA Novosti © Vladimir Astapkovich, over time, the merits of Dezhnev were highly appreciated. His name was named after him at the northeastern end of Eurasia, island, bay, bay, glacier and other objects. Monuments were erected to him in various settlements of Russia. The modern Northern Sea Route is the development of trends laid down by the Russian pioneers who opened the route from the Arctic Ocean, ”summed up Leonid Kruglov.
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