It is now possible to access your vital card from your mobile phone. To use it, you must have an electronic identity card verified via France Identity.
For the moment, all health professionals are not equipped to scan this digital card. © Yann Avril/Adobe Stock – It is possible to dematerialize your vital card since Tuesday, March 11. Save save Receive Vitale card alerts after the identity card and driving license, it is the vital card to have the right to dematerialization on mobile phone. Since Tuesday, it has been available on iPhone and Android via an application called “Vitale card”, difficult to make a mistake. The launch was announced on X by Guillaume Rozier, data specialist and advisor to the President of the Republic, who had participated in the creation of the Covidtracker site during the pandemic, reports TF1 Info. Application allows access to its social security number, a QR code to be scanned by health professionals and the list of care expenses. Simple in theory, but a certain number of conditions are actually to be fulfilled to be able to take advantage of his vital card on his mobile phone. It is first imperative to have an electronic identity card, that is to say in “bank card” format. Only these new identity documents have a chip allowing them to be recognized by an electronic device, explains BFM TV. Read also: the new vital card, a weapon against fraud? Health professionals not all equipped to be able to use the vital card application, you must also go through another application, France Identity. It is only once your identity verified that the digital vital card can work. If you have managed to pass these steps successfully, you may still have to take out your physical vital card once in front of your practitioner. Indeed, not all health professionals are equipped with the equipment allowing them to scan the QR codes generated by the application. On X, Guillaume Rozier encouraged them to quickly acquire these tools. As for other administrative papers, the use of the dematerialized vital card is therefore completely optional. The care sheets and the small green card in your wallet still have a bright future ahead of them. Receive our latest news every day, selecting the main news of the day. (tagstotranslate) Vital card
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