Dr. Najat Malla Mazid, Special Representative of UN General Secretary on violence against children, has released his new report in this subject on Wednesday.
He said that the gangs who carry out the smuggling of children are taking advantage of the progress made in the field of technology and the compulsion of the people living in emergency. According to him, children, mainly for girls, are decent conditions for girls. Poverty, food insecurity, humanitarian crisis, violent conflict lead to displacement of the population, which is a major reason for illegal smuggling. Doctor Malla Majid told the Human Rights Council in Geneva that crime is proved in less cases for the smuggling of children and take advantage of the spirit of punishment. Due to corruption, alleged stigma, fear and lack of protection, it becomes difficult for children to make them aware of such matters and to get justice. As a result, the smuggling of children is low price, low risk activity and there is a big profit in this crime, causing billions of dollars every year. Doctor Malla Majid warned that the smuggling nutrition is being increased and they are already increasing in smugglers. Organized. Leaders of criminal groups are using artificial intelligence to reduce their expenses and reduce the risk of getting to know about them. The senior official of the UnAN said that demand is increasing for children exploited activities, from sexual violence to domestic slavery, child marriage, recruitment in weapons, forcible activities are being carried out, forcible activities are being carried out. In the confrontation, the UN’s Special Representative Virginia Gamba told the Human Rights Council that one of the six children around the world is living in a violent clash.
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