The Prime Minister of Hungary, the Ultraconservator Viktor Orbán, deepens his crusade against the LGTIBQ+collective. After promoting a law that prohibits the representation of “diverse sexual orientations” in the media and another that allows anonymous denouncing to homosexual couples who have children in charge, the president now promotes a constitutional reform that seeks to prevent the celebration of the LGTBIQ+ pride march in the country.
This restriction will be carried out through a new disposition in the Magna Carta that emphasizes the protection of physical, mental and moral development of minors above all other rights. With this formula, the way is paved to prohibit the annual progress of pride, since the event could be considered detrimental to children, and the protection of child development would prevail over the right to meet. The constitutional reform will also enshris that there are only two genres, masculine and female on February 22, in their annual balance speech, Orbán already dropped that he planned to end the marches of the LGTBIQ+ collective in Hungary: “I advise the pride organizers not to prepare for preparing for this year’s parade. It would be a loss of time and money, ”said the leader. The constitutional reform – which was presented on Tuesday night by the ruling party, Fidesz, which enjoys a majority in Parliament – will also enshrine that there are only two genres, male and female; and will correct the Magna Carta to place men ahead of women. A protester shows a poster with the face of Viktor Orbán and a child, alluding to the law, in July 2021 Anna Szilagyi / AP also, one of the new amendments opens the door to the expulsion of Hungarian citizens with dual nationality if it is considered that “their actions represent a threat to national sovereignty, public order, territorial integrity or security.” Also read María-Paz López Another change is the inclusion in the constitution of the right to cash payments, an idea that defends the extreme right Hungarian for her distrust in the banking system. Orbán, in power since 2010, is emphasizing his reactionary speech with a view to next year’s elections, in which a new opposition party led by Peter Magyar will enter Liza that is capturing part of the population disappointed with the current regime.
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