This year, the seasonal allergy to flowering will begin earlier than usual, which is associated with the early onset of spring. In an interview with RT, an allergist-immunologist and expert of the Doctor television channel Maria Maliner explained which measures will help allergies reduce the symptoms and easier to transfer the intensive flowering period. According to the expert, it is important to use mechanical protection methods – respirators and masks, as well as take antihistamines prescribed by the attending physician. In addition, she explained how to distinguish allergies from ordinary colds and how to stop allergic symptoms due to the method of allergen-specific immunological therapy.-Every year, thousands of people suffer from halflelinosis-allergies to floral pollen. Why does she appear? The pollen of which plants most often causes a reaction? – the cause of the allergic reaction is the “wrong” work of the immune system, which begins to react unnecessarily to a certain substance. Due to such work, components that cause inflammatory processes are released. As a rule, the causes of this condition are genetic, however, it happens when an allergy appears after suffered stress, an infectious disease, including covid-19, or pregnancy. That is, an allergic reaction can begin at any age, especially after stressful events. An allergic reaction can develop to flowering of any trees, as well as cereal and weeds. In our latitudes, the reaction is most often to the pollen of birch. RIA Novosti © Alexei Danichev – Why will the seasonal allergies begin this year earlier than usual? – If winter ends earlier, then spring begins earlier. Therefore, the first trees will begin to bloom earlier, an allergy often occurs on pollen. The first symptoms may appear in late February – early March. Usually this is an allergy to the pollen of hazel. – What are the main symptoms of halflelinosis? – this is the congestion of the nose and lacrimation. To install an accurate diagnosis, you must contact an allergist. A specialist will conduct a blood test for immunoglobulin E or skin testing. They will help to determine what exactly causes allergies and prescribe suitable treatment. – Some symptoms of allergies to pollen are similar to SARS. How to distinguish them? – Indeed, symptoms of allergies can sometimes be confused with a cold. However, they have three key differences. Firstly, with allergies, the temperature rarely exceeds 37 ° C, while with SARS it often rises above 37.5 ° C.The-seconds, the discharge from the nose of allergies is abundant and colorless, while in a patient they are yellowish or greenish. Finally, it is worth paying attention to the time of the manifestation of symptoms: if they are repeated from year to year at the same time, it can be an allergy. RIA Novosti © Maria Devakhina – is there any prevention of halflenosis? – If you know that you are allergic to pollen, try to avoid places where flowering plants can be. If this is not possible, use respirators or special nasal filters that do not allow pollen to get to the mucous membrane. During a walk, pollen settles on the fabric, so it is important immediately after returning to wash clothes. To remove allergens from the skin and hair, it is also necessary to take a shower. Doma use the air cleaner – it will help reduce the number of allergens in the room. Do not forget about regular wet cleaning. For the prevention of porelinosis, you can start taking antihistamines in advance. I emphasize that they need to be used only as prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to remember that there are so -called cross allergens. These are similar in the structure of substances to which the body reacts in the same way as the main allergens. So, with allergies to the pollen of birch, a person can have a reaction to apples, cherries, cherries and other bone fruits. To identify such connections, it is necessary to keep a diet. – What to do if the first signs of allergies have already appeared? – during allergies it is important to start treatment as soon as possible. Most often, symptomatic therapy with antihistamine drugs in the form of tablets, sprays for the nose and drops for the eyes is used. They help reduce the manifestations of allergies. In addition, there are barrier products that do not allow an allergen to enter the body. For example, sprays for the nose with cellulose envelop its mucous membrane. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce contact with allergens. Legion-Media © Amelie-Benoist / Image Point Fr / BSIP-is it possible to completely recover from allergies, whether such drugs and methods have appeared?-Currently it is impossible to recover from allergies. But for prevention, the method of allergen-specific immunological therapy (AIS) is used. It is aimed at developing certain antibodies in the patient’s body, due to which the severity of symptoms in the flowering season decreases. In the framework of AST, causal allergens are introduced into the body. That is, those proteins to which a person had an allergy, such as proteins of birch pollen. It is carried out in different ways – injectable or sublingual, that is, in the form of hyoid drops. Exilely preparation for the flowering season should begin approximately in the autumn period, that is, from October to December, if we are talking about pollinosis. Immunotherapy is carried out annually for 3-5 years. It is believed that the remission of the disease, that is, the period when the symptoms do not occur, can also last about 3-5 years, after which immunotherapy is recommended to be repeated. Now in Russia a vaccine is being developed from allergies, from pollen of birch, and it will significantly reduce the amount of injections and the preparation period for the flowering season. However, it has not yet been registered and undergoes clinical studies. – Among other common types of allergies, allergies can be distinguished to pets wool. Are there hypoallergenic rocks or types of pets? – any substance that has protein can cause an allergic reaction. It can be saliva, wool, skin. Allergy can even be to another person. If you or your loved ones have an allergy, it is important to carefully weigh all the risks before starting a pet. Hypoallergenic breeds do not exist, since an allergic reaction is produced to a certain protein, which is present in the whole species. It is contained in saliva, epidermis and excrement, so the presence of wool is not decisive.
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