Importance of ‘Meditation’ in mental health, First World Day
The purpose of celebrating ‘World Meditation Day’ is also to help everyone benefit from higher levels of physical and mental health. To celebrate the first International Day of Meditation, on Friday, 20 December (2024), the Trusteeship Council Chamber at the UN Headquarters A special event was organized in which the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations has a major contribution in organizing.
Philemon Yang, President of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly Addressing the event, he said that World Meditation Day will promote the benefits inherent in this ancient practice and its inherent values in daily life. “When we meditate, we calm our mind, focus our thoughts and develop compassion. And arouse respect. On a personal level, this transformational change has a far-reaching impact, inspiring harmony in our families, our communities and beyond.” According to the UN General Assembly chief, this builds the foundation of peace within us and around us. The General Assembly A resolution to celebrate World Meditation Day on 21 December was passed on 6 December 2024. On this occasion, General Assembly President Philemon Yang expressed his gratitude to Andorra, India, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Nepal and Sri Lanka, under whose leadership the resolution was brought to the UN General Assembly to declare this International Day. The relationship between yoga and meditation has also been recognized as complementary ways of living. Good Health-Better LivingThe increasing contribution of meditation and mindfulness in improving and maintaining mental health is being widely recognized. Good mental health is a fundamental human right and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development places health and well-being at the core of achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3, named This goal also highlights the importance of mental health, universal health coverage and eliminating health disparities in building resilient and inclusive societies.