The decision to turn off the heating is made by the local administration, guided by the Decree of the Government “On the provision of utilities to the owners and users of the premises”. According to this document, heating is disconnected when, within five days in a row, the average daily air temperature does not drop below +8 ° C, they explained RT in the Roskanka press service.
“It is important to remember: if the temperature rises above this threshold on certain days, but the general rule is not executed, heating will continue to work. This is due to the fact that sudden warming in the afternoon can be replaced by night cooling and a sharp shutdown of heat can lead to discomfort. If the heating has already been disconnected, but the temperature suddenly decreased and rests at a low level, heating may turn on again. However, such changes do not occur instantly, since the process of disconnecting and turning on takes several days. This is associated with the peculiarities of the work of utilities and heating systems, ”experts explained that before the end of the heating season, local authorities publish an appropriate order.“ Usually after that heating is disconnected for three to five days, ”they added to the organization. They also recalled that the process of stopping heat supply goes in stages.“ First of all, industrial enterprises are disconnected, then residential buildings, then residential buildings, residential buildings. (multi -apartment and private), lastly, social objects (kindergartens, schools, hospitals and so on, ”analysts explained. It is produced that the heating dates differ depending on the region and weather conditions.“ You should not wait for the heating in March: the average daily temperature should be higher than +8 ºC, but for now, according to it, according The forecast of weather forecasters is not expected, ”they added in Roskatimi. Snow -in -law standards, in the warm season (at an average daily temperature above +8 ° C), the air temperature in the living room should not exceed +28 ° C (the deviation is allowed by no more than 4 ° C), they reminded there.“ If this standard is disturbed, the residents have the right to file a complaint ” – The interlocutors of RT said what to handle the complaint, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the apartment and fix the violation. As the experts explained, first you need to contact the management company. “Its representatives must hold measurements and draw up an act. It is important to make sure that the act indicates the reasons for the appeal. Do not sign the document if it is indicated that you have no complaints. If the managing organization does not solve the problem, you can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor or the State Housing Inspectorate, applying a copy of the act. In extreme cases, you can go to court and demand compensation for moral damage, but it will have to prove it. It should be borne in mind that during the day the temperature can be high, but at night, cooling still requires heating. This is not always a violation. However, if there is confidence in the unlawful actions of public utilities, it is worthwhile to seek a correction of the situation, ”concluded in the organization. The director of the Roskanka consumer protection department, Igor Pozdnyakov, explained the prepayment if the service is no longer needed in an interview with RT.
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