In the Federal Council it could depend on the FDP

A meeting of the federal level with representatives of the federal states took place in the FDP this week. It was about the pressing question of how the party positions itself on the planned debt recording for armaments and infrastructure. When voting on Tuesday in the Bundestag, the FDP is less important, but above all on the Greens. However, what happens in the Federal Council three days later is completely open. There could be a scenario in which the outcome of those two countries depends on the FDP: Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt. At the meeting on Wednesday, it was agreed that the FDP should not support the Union and SPD debt plans. The country representatives also represented this line, but with a decisive restriction: this only applies to those national associations that came to the meeting. The absence of Rhineland-Palatinate was considered a signal in Berlin, but from the state association it is said that, for reasons of schedule, one could not participate. With Christian Dürr, the FDP parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag, there is a close exchange. Nevertheless, there are some things that the FDP in Rhineland-Palatinate agrees. The country has four out of 69 votes in the Federal Council, as many as the Saxony-Anhalt ruled by a Germany coalition. In Mainz, the decision is not surprising when it comes to Schmittein, the state association differs from others. Nine years ago, Volker Wissing led the party in Mainz to a coalition with SPD and the Greens. The FDP, which has since occupied the business and judiciary departments, plays the role of the lawyer for the interests of the economy. In the finely balanced dynamics of the coalition, there is always the opportunity for the liberals to profile themselves. Like the Greens and the SPD, one would prefer to continue to rule together after the state election in the coming year. After Minister of Transport Volker Wissing was releasing from the FDP last year, Minister of Economy Daniela Schmitt is considered a promising successor for the state chair. Schmitt has the decision as to whether the FDP agrees to the project in the cabinet. In the event of a rejection, the country would contain according to the coalition agreement. In the state government, it is assumed that the decision will not be met on Tuesday in the cabinet, but may not be met until Friday morning at the so-called Federal Council breakfast in the Rhineland-Palatinate State Representation in Berlin. In conversation with the FAZ, Schmitt describes her considerations. “The softening of the debt brake and the decision of the special fund for infrastructure are on the one hand gigantic debt. You have to say that clearly. On the other hand, I am Minister of Economics and Transport in Rhineland-Palatinate. I see how much investment needs there are in the country, and that also decides on our future viability, ”says Schmitt. “I argue from a government responsibility. It would be difficult to convey to the country that we would easily leave so much money that is urgently needed. ”Against the debt: Christian Dürr and Christian Lindner on Thursday at the special meeting in the Bundestatgreuters the approval of the FDP in Rhineland-Palatinate depends on the exact design of the basic law amendment:“ It depends on the details. It is crucial whether it is a clever, additional investments and not consumer expenses. ” The exploratory paper from the Union and the SPD gave the impression that they wanted to cover running costs with the free costs. “It also needs the commitment to clear structural reforms and the will to save and prioritize in the household,” Schmitt demands. In these days, Schmitt speaks more regularly than usual with Prime Minister Alexander Schweitzer (SPD). He would like to ensure that Rhineland-Palatinate agrees in the Federal Council. Schweitzer is part of the SPD negotiation team in the federal government. With the FDP, however, there are no negotiations on the design of legislation in the Bundestag, as it says. In Saxony-Anhalt everyone is currently looking at Lydia Hüskens. The 60-year-old FDP politician led her party back to the state parliament in 2021 and has since been a minister of infrastructure and digital. In the Bundes-FDP, one hopes that Hüskens will face the new debt mountain in Magdeburg, when her party friends from Rhineland-Palatinate do that. It is supposed to bring the government coalition in Saxony-Anhalt to be abstained. Hüskens itself does not want to comment on this. Everything is in the flow, it is too early for pre -festival, it says from its environment. But of course there are already discussions in Magdeburg in the background. Because an agreement in the Bundestag is considered the probable scenario. It is open whether it matters in the Federal Council on Saxony-Anhalt. If so, the pressure on Hüskens would be immensely. About Hüskens it means that she has always been on the course of the Federal Party. In addition, elections will be made in Saxony-Anhalt next year and the prospects of the FDP are modestly formulated. Principles and independent profile could be considered helpful in the desperate situation, but the argument can also be turned around: If this immensely important project fails on the FDP, any empty toilet paper roll on the school toilet should be attributed to the free democrats. In addition, Hüskens, as Minister of Infrastructure, is responsible for the areas that would benefit greatly from debts. So far, Hüskens has given the impression that she will not support the debt packages. There is talk of a “helmet-and-through maintenance”. However, in the event of cases, Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) is likely to have a high level of intensity on Hüskens. Hard scenarios are already talking about in Magdeburg. Saxony-Anhalt could vote in the Federal Council, similar to Saxony in March 2024, vote in the subject of cannabis in March 2024. Haseloff also has the Bazooka: He could relieve Hüskens shortly before the vote, as Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Woidke made it with his Green Minister of Health in November to stop the hospital reform. Haseloff’s government would not be immediately at the end, because the CDU and SPD have a voting majority in the state parliament. The FDP was only brought on board in the CDU parliamentary group because of the notorious cross drivers.

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