International Criminal Court condemned the banned by America

The Rome contract was passed on the basis of discussions in the United Nations System, and the international criminal court was established under it. This court, crimes against humanity, crimes against humanity, war crimes including other international law Violation is targeted to ensure a judicial process for cases. President Trump has signed this executive order on Thursday, according to which on ICC officials working on the inquiry for national security of the US and Israel, including its allied countries, including the US and Israel. Strict action will be taken. In November last year, ICC Judges had decided to issue arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Galent. Allegations of executing have been made. The ICC had also issued a warrant against former Hamas commander Mohammad Daaf. ‘Khatar -hidden example’ United States and Israel have not recognized the judicial rights of the International Criminal Court. The 125 member country of Rome contract is part, which came into force in 2002. The American Executive Order clarified that the steps taken by the ICC against Israel and the initial investigation against the US create a dangerous example, so that the former and There is a risk for the current officials. In the functional order, many people have been mentioned as punishment, which have other provisions including seizing the properties of ICC officers, preventing them and their families from coming to America. In January itself, during the former US administration, the American Congress had taken the initiative to impose his ban on the ICC, but it did not get enough support in the American Senate (Upper House of Parliament). The ICCICC continued on Friday in support of the officials. In a press release, the court has condemned the executive order of hurting the independent and fair judicial process of the court and imposing a ban on the officials. Millions and crores are ready to provide justice and hope to the innocent victims. The court has urged all the parties involved in the Rome contract that they will have to unite for civil society and other countries, justice and basic human rights.

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