Exclusive – Obtaining your driving license in France can be the obstacle course according to your department. Endless deadlines or flash passage? The gaps are striking.
Find out where the wait is the longest before you can steering wheel (or not). Save save Receive alerts driving license The driving license candidates know this well, the wait to pass the exam is often very long in France. However, not all apprentice drivers are housed in the same brand. The latest study* of the online driving school by car Simone, which publishes this Thursday, March 13, its first edition of its bi-annual barometer on Thursday, March 13, dedicated to the deadlines for obtaining an examination place, specifies that not all departments have the same saturation rate. So before gnawing at your brake, find out if your department is among those with the longest waiting period or, on the contrary, allows you to quickly pass the driving license. Do you have to pass the permit urgently? Don’t be so in a hurry. On average, the deadline to obtain a niche to pass the exam is 4.65 weeks (therefore more than a month) in France. This period can climb very quickly since of the 64 departments studied, 26 have waiting times above the hexagonal average. In Isère, you will have to wait an average of 12 weeks, 3 months! Ditto in the Sarthe where the waiting time is 11.8 weeks. The Hauts-de-Seine do not do much better with 10 weeks of waiting. Read also: Driving license: where to go to maximize your chances of winning the driving exam? The departments where the deadlines for passing the driver’s license are the shortest, some departments go faster than others. In 29 departments (45% of the departments analyzed), deadlines do not exceed three weeks, therefore below the national average. For example, candidates in Ardèche, Calvados, or Charente-Maritime had to wait until two weeks on average before obtaining a place. Ditto for apprentices drivers in Doubs, Drôme, Finistère, Hérault, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Pas-de-Calais, Tarn-et-Garonne, Bas-Rhin and Var. But this reduction in deadlines arouses lusts, to the chagrin of inspectors! According to the study, the AIN is the victim of a particular situation, with an average of 9.16 weeks of waiting on average. In question, the impact of the situation in the neighboring department. Indeed, “many Isère students decide to pass their license in the Ain hoping to find a more easily examination place there. An influx which inexorably leads to a deterioration of the situation in the department which is however spared by the shortages of examiners, ”explains the driving school. Read also: Driving license from the age of 17 is a hit: should we also lower the age of accompanied driving? Driving license: how to reduce waiting times? So why do you mean that are so different depending on the departments? This situation which “penalizes above all the students is largely due to a shortage of examiners” explains the study. To remedy this, Edouard Rudolf, CEO of Simone car, recommends “to outsource the practical test to entrust it to private entities approved in the tense areas and strict supervision of the State. Such a decision would make it possible to multiply the largely insufficient number of examiners “. The co -founder of the platform also suggests,” to create an end of training certificate issued by the driving instructor. A way of preventing little or badly prepared candidates from saturating the examination slots to the detriment of others. ” Another possibility to unclog the calendar would be “to lower the age of supervised driving to 17 years. According to him, this would allow more young people to accumulate an experience of “inexpensive and effective” driving. Now that you know everything about waiting time to take the precious examination, don’t forget to revise because some faults can cost you dear. *To achieve these results, the driving school analyzed the monthly statements between July and December 2024 in 64 departments where it is present. 14,000 examination presentations were examined. Receive our latest news twice a week, automotive news at a glance. (tagstotranslate) driving license
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