Iss Captures Rare Gigantic Jet, A Massive Upward Lightning Over New Orleans
A rare “Gigantic jet” of lightning was captured in a newly released image taken from the International Space Station (ISS). The photograph, dated November 19, 2024, shows a powerful discharge of Blue light extending from a thundarsstorm, Likely Reaching Around 50 Miles (80 Kilometers) Abovee Earth Earth.
The image, Originally not publicized by nasa or any other space agency, surfed after photographer frankie lucena identity it on the gateway to Astronaut photogry of ear. The striking phenomenon was later shared by on February 26, brings renewed attenance to these elusive atmospheric events.gentic jet confirmed by analysis by analysis to reports, the Four photographs of lightning Around the time of the event, with only one displaying a clear upward-shooting jet. The exact location of the phenomenon remains uncertain due to cloud covers, but Iss Tracking Data Suggessts It Likely Occurred Just of the Coast of New Orleans. Gigantic jets are rarely observed, with only a limited number of documented cases since their discovery in gigantic jets forming forming lighting bolts obesy Distributions Within a Thundersstorm are disrupted, causing energy to be released upwards raather than toward the ground. The distinctive blue hue results from interactions with nitrogen in the upper atmosphere. Most Gigantic Jets Extend Ionosphere, The Electrically Charged Layer of Earth’s Atmosphere Starting Around 50 Miles Above The Surface.EENEGETIC NATRERE OPWDETIC NATURE OpWard LightningPrevious That gigantic jets can carry significantly more energy than Standard Lightning Bolts. A Record-Breaking Event Over Oklahoma in May 2018 was found to have 60 times the energy of an average strike. In addition to the main jet, Fant Branching Red Discharges, Similar to Sprites, Can Be Seen in the Recent ISS Image, Highlighting the Complexity of these high-altitude electrical events. 6
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