In the era dominated by Tiktok, when the songs fader in just over 60 seconds, the singer and composer Óscar D’Iniello, from Delafé, told his producer: “Let’s embark on a song that exceeds ten minutes.” As a sign that this madness could be viable, after fifteen days he received a call from Helena Miquel.
His former companion of Delafé and the Blue Flowers proposed to collaborate again in a song, 12 years after his last post together. “It was one of those calls you remember perfectly,” explains D’Iniello to the avant -garde. It was 2020, full boom of the pandemic, and had just been a father. “There was no future, everything was very uncertain, I suppose she also had an existential crisis.” What D’Iniello did not specify to Miquel was how much that song could last. “The idea was growing,” he explains, until the final result was love, a 31 -minute work that challenges any conventional classification. Óscar D’Iniello and Helena Miquel de Delafé and the blue flowers Europa Press Amor can be conceived as a single piece or a nine track album. “I knew it was going to be a song mutilated by the numbers,” explains the composer, in reference to the counting of visits, reproductions and followers that dictate the success market today. “I decided to divide it into nine coherent parts, without titles,” although he argues that the best way to appreciate it is like a unique work. Delafé and Blue Flowers present ‘Love’ in Barcelona on May 23 in the Apolodelafé room and the blue flowers share their love, after five years of work, on a tour that began on February 14 in Mallorca and will travel cities such as Santiago, Vigo, Girona, Madrid and Zaragoza, with a last stop in Barcelona on May 23 in the Apollo room. “This is my voice recorded in time / the voice thread of an ordinary man / my self of the past, my immortal self / is air crossing a vocal rope / captured in time the voice becomes eternal,” says D’Iniello. Thus begins his sound trip, accompanied by the beats of his son’s ultrasound, Luca. “It is a kind of testament in life, to explain to my son, in case anything happens to me, what is important for me, and when I miss something you can put something that knows that it is done for him.” Miquel’s voice manifests ethereal and sweetly in the minute and a half to sing: “Here, now, love.” That mantra, which is repeated throughout the work, was what D’Iniello used to whisper his son at night to help him fall asleep. Read also at the technical level the project was a challenge. According to the musician, “the equivalent of five productions wrapped in one piece.” Love explores pop in its widest version and has been the result of Delafé’s work and blue flowers with producer Ramir Kulyla, Dani Vega (Mishima guitarist), Chris Carmichael’s strings and Luca himself, who at four years designed the cover of the album. “I feel very comfortable with what we have done.” The last work of Delafé and the blue flowers was from you without me / of me without you (2013). “Almost a premonition,” says the musician, referring to his subsequent separation from Miquel, who at that time was also his wife. The project consisted of a double album that explored how the same letters could transmit opposite messages, depending on how they musicalized. “It was an exercise on the power of music.” Despite the originality of the proposal, the result did not reach commercial success. Twelve years after theafé and the blue flowers collaborated for the last time in 2013, with the album ‘of you without me / of me without you’ “and arrived at this point, what else can I tell? / What else do I want to express? /What am I going to tell you? / First, thank you for getting here, ”he sangs after 20 minutes of song, a passage reserved for the most faithful listeners. “I am not a good hits composer, but when I have an idea, I take it to the end.” D’Iniello acknowledges that this is probably his last album. “Music is an art that has lost the format,” admits with nostalgia, by evoking times prior to digitalization. “I am very afraid to live,” admits the musician. “Being artist scares, because instability is constant.” The message that seeks to transmit with love is to learn to live the present with fullness and without fear. “I have heard her more than anyone in the world.” For two years, every day, while holding his son in his arms or pedaled towards Tibidabo. “Now I think I’m not going to listen to her for a while.” When a song comes out, he explains, “I already flies alone.”
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