Short link March 13, 2025, 11:23 The production center of the director Andrei Konchalovsky suffers serious losses, writes the Telegram channel Shot. According to him, over the past four years, Production has brought losses of 81.
5 million rubles. “Andrei Sergeyevich has 55% of the company, his wife Julia – 35%. In the past few years, instead of contracting agreements … the company brings a continuous minus. So, last year, Production (lost – RT) 20 million rubles, ”the material says. At the same time, it is noted that Konchalovsky owns five more organizations in various fields, including restaurant business and medicine trade. Previously, the Mash Telegram channel wrote that the company “Barkov and Co. Co.” Barskov and Co. Yakubovich threatens the closure due to record losses. The lice in the text? Highlight it and click “Ctrl + Enter” Subscribe to our channel in Zen
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// Function to fetch the latest posts
function fetchLatestPosts() {
const feedUrl = ‘’; // Replace with your blog’s RSS feed URL
.then(response => response.text())
.then(str => new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(str, “text/xml”))
.then(data => {
const items = Array.from(data.querySelectorAll(“item”));
const latestPostsContainer = document.getElementById(“latest-posts”);
latestPostsContainer.innerHTML = ”; // Clear previous posts
// Shuffle the items array
const shuffledItems = items.sort(() => Math.random() – 0.5);
// Select the first 5 items from the shuffled array
const selectedItems = shuffledItems.slice(0, 5);
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// Loop through the selected items and display them
selectedItems.forEach(post => {
const link = post.querySelector(“link”).textContent;
const description = post.querySelector(“description”).textContent;
// Create a new post element
const postElement = document.createElement(“div”);
postElement.innerHTML = `
${description} Read more
// Append the new post element to the container
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching the latest posts:’, error));
// Call the function to fetch and display the latest posts
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