A short link on March 12, 2025, 05:00 Anastasia Rumyantseva, among standard reasons for replacing a passport, can be called the achievement of certain age -related borders (20 and 45 years), a change in personal data, as well as loss or severe damage to the document. However, there are less obvious situations when a passport may need update, warned the Dean of the Faculty of Rights of the Higher School of Law, Professor Vadim Vinogradov in an interview with RT.
“One of these situations is a significant change in appearance, for example, after plastic surgery, a significant change in weight, as well as by virtue of a burn or other person’s injury. If your appearance has changed a lot and the photograph in the passport no longer reflects your current state, it is better to replace the passport in order to avoid potential problems with the personality confirmation, ”he advised. In addition, he said, if your passport made errors or inaccuracies (for example, incorrect personal data or spelling errors), it also needs to be replaced if the passport pages are made with an important information – for example, by a photograph of the owner, his personal data (name, date of birth), a series and number of the document, as well as a mark on registering a place of residence – lost integrity, were subjected to severe damage or pollution (erased lamination, incorrectness of the main elements of protection), which made the document unsuitable for use. A damaged or spoiled passport on time, you can encounter a number of unpleasant consequences. “Living without a real identity card leads to administrative responsibility and a fine of 2 thousand to 3 thousand rubles in accordance with Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia. In addition, difficulties will arise with such a document when applying for other important papers (for example, a foreign passport, driver’s license, bank cards or housing rental contracts). Some state institutions and commercial organizations may simply refuse to provide their services if your passport is invalidated, ”the specialist concluded. In the case of Vinogradov, in an interview with RT that the sale of banking cards carries significant risks for those who sell them and for the whole society. The license in the text? Highlight it and click “Ctrl + Enter” Subscribe to our channel in Zen
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