Live ticker for the Bundestag election 2025: Greens want to vote against black and red debt schedule

CSU boss Markus Söder does not want to participate in the talks with the Greens to support the billion dollar debt plans by Union and SPD. “I think it is better for both sides” when CDU boss Friedrich Merz has the conversation, said the Bavarian Prime Minister in the ARD program “Caren Miosga”. Söder herself had not only practiced sharp criticism of the Greens in the election campaign, but also in the past. Even after it was already clear that the Union and the SPD were dependent on the votes of the Greens if they wanted to enforce their financial package in the Bundestag, Söder had massively attacked the party and, above all, their candidate for chancellor Robert Habeck at the political Ash Wednesday of the CSU. The Greens condemned the attacks, and SPD boss Lars Klingbeil also warned to restraint. Söder is now appealing to the Greens’ political responsibility. It is also not about party interests, he said. Ultimately, it is about something bigger, the “protection of our country”. In the context, Söder also doubted claims from Greens state ministers, according to which the federal government would have to make 200 billion euros available to the federal states instead of the planned 100 billion euros. “More cooperative” must be taken here.

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