The Prime Minister of the federal states have spoken out against considerations in the financial package planned by the Union and the SPD to separate the intended special fund for defense and infrastructure. Following the consultations of the Prime Minister Conference (MPK), Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) said in Berlin on Wednesday that the federal states agreed that the two special funds should be decided together.
It was “simply the need” for both, said Weil. The MPK chairwoman and Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) asked the parties in the Bundestag to find compromises in the meantime. “What distinguishes us as Democrats in this country is that we find compromises in this country. We expect this from federal politics during these hours,” said Kretschmer.ALLE 16 federal states that the discussions about a change of basic law would come to a reasonable end. Of course there are injuries from the Bundestag election campaign, said Kretschmer with a view to the Greens. Nevertheless, a positive end to the talks is necessary. “Germany must be able to act.” It is common understanding that not only money for tanks, rockets and Ukraine can be spent, but that money must also be ready for infrastructure such as roads, hospitals or schools. Because said the round wanted to “resonate, to add clever advice from the outside” – but there are “hard reasons” to hold both special funds together. It is now important that the German state remains capable of action.
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