LiveTicker on coalition negotiations: Free voters reject debt plans from Union and

Prime Minister of Union, SPD and the Greens have appealed to those involved in the federal government to agree on the billion -dollar financing package for defense and infrastructure. “Germany must be able to act, and the Basic Law must be changed,” said Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) before the Prime Ministers’ Conference in Berlin. “And it stays with the sentence: If you want, you can find ways, if you don’t want to find reasons.” Saxony is currently chaired by the Prime Minister Conference. For the first time since the Bundestag election, the federal states voted on the results of the exploratory between the Union and the SPD for a new federal government and the planned amendment to the Basic Law for additional debt in three -digit billions. The North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) referred to the importance of additional funds for the federal states. An “structure west” is necessary because the infrastructure from the period after the Second World War would be obsolete. The Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Alexander Schweitzer (SPD) said that he was very confident that the talks of the Union, SPD and Greens could lead to success via the constitutional changes, “if everyone moves and that one also speaks in a decent pitch”. The starting point is: “This federal government in becoming is condemned, and that is exactly what the conversations have to shape in the next few hours and days.” Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) said that it is being negotiated hard, that is the most normal in the world. “It just doesn’t work that you think the green voices are now on the call, nobody can expect that now,” said Kretschmann. You negotiate as a completely equal partner. According to the situation, the voices of the Greens in the Bundestag are used for a change in the Basic Law with a two -thirds majority.

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