LiveTicker on coalition negotiations: Greens: Infrastructure package does not have to be decided immediately

The green urge Union and the SPD to improve their agreed financial package, provided that there is no longer any agreement. Initially, an agreement could only be found through the defense spending, which the infrastructure investments can be negotiated later, group leader Katharina Dröge made it clear in the ARD “daily topics”. “We are very clearly ready to do something together with a view to security at short notice. And the differences in content are really bridged. ” It was an arbitrary decision by the Union and SPD coalition negotiators to put the different changes in the Basic Law into a law, said Dröge. “There is also no logical context, except that the CDU and the SPD obviously do not dare sufficiently that if you would do this in two steps, the second step.” Nevertheless, she showed her willingness to agree to an overall package if it were worthy of support. “Our consent to credit -financed investments is actually only available if it is investments,” said Dröge. “We are ready for discussions, because in the end common solutions are of course useful.” The Greens would be afraid that a future black and red federal government will not be the money in climate protection, the modernization of the economy, the train, digitization or the power grid, but thus, for example, tax cuts. Ko-party leader Franziska Brantner pointed out the return to the higher tax relief on Agrardiesel and the agreed reduction in restaurant VAT in the ZDF program “Maybrit Illner”. From the point of view of the green party leadership, there can be no approval. Brantner also emphasized: “We try everything that works. If you agree on everything together: all the better. ” If in doubt, without such an agreement, the Greens are ready to only decide on a separate financing of the security and support of Ukraine. In the Union, some share the objections of the Greens. “Basically, Ms. Brantner is right,” said CDU general secretary Carsten Linnemann on the show. And CDU/CSU parliamentary managing director Thorsten Frei admitted in the Bavarian media group: “I know that some colleagues are still wrestling with them. But I am convinced that we will be closed at the end. ” After all, the Union needs the SPD to be able to form a government. Meritus has offered the Greens to provide money from the planned special assets for the climate and transformation fund. The Union once successfully sued the Federal Constitutional Court against the equipment of unused Corona loans under the traffic light government. “We want to do climate protection, we want to enable transformation. The whole thing is now being put on constitutional feet, and with that we also get a lot further in climate protection, ”said the CDU chairman on ZDF.

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