At the time when Islam was expanding in the world, it was one of the most modern religions at that time. There are many things in Ismail related to society, family and individual rights which were way ahead of their time.
That is why in a very short time this religion has influenced a large area of the world. Today Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity. But, in the modern era, many misconceptions have arisen regarding this religion. The main reason for this is instability in most Islamic countries. Today most of the Islamic countries are burning in the fire of violence. In such a situation, there is a perception among the common people that the followers of this religion are fanatic towards their religion. Many things are prohibited in them. Their laws and rules are extremely strict compared to the rules and customs of other religions. But, this is not 100 percent true. Today we are telling you the story of the Muslim community of America, the world’s most developed country. The Muslim community here is quite modern. Anyway, the American community is considered to be one of the most modern communities in the world. Here the bond of caste and religion is not as complex as that of us Indians. There is no politics in the name of caste and religion here. According to the report, there are about 45 lakh Muslims in America. Their share in the total population is about 1.34 percent. People following Muslim religion have lived here for a long time. American Muslim Girls: According to the report, about 10 percent of Muslim girls living in America marry boys of other religions. However, in the Muslim community the percentage of boys and girls marrying boys and girls of other religions is also almost the same. The report also claims that every sixth Muslim person under the age of 40 describes himself as less religious. That means there are about 20 percent people in this age group who are not very fanatic about religious customs. According to the Pew Research Center, about 79 percent of people in the Muslim community living in America have Muslim spouses. According to this, there are 21 American Muslims whose spouses are from other religions. As far as American Hindus are concerned, 91 percent of American Hindus marry within their own religion. Christians are at the forefront. Christians are at the forefront in this matter. 56 percent Christians marry in other religions. After this, Jews are on second number. About 65 percent of Jews marry in other religions. This shows that the wall of religion is very weak among the followers of these two religions. There is another interesting fact in this. About 40 percent of those who got married after 2010 are Americans whose spouses are from other religions. Whereas before 1960, the percentage of such Americans was only 19 percent. Tags: America News, Muslim Girls, Muslim MarriageFIRST PUBLISHED : December 21, 2024, 13:27 IST