Ivonne Reyes has lost ten million euros. He has no bank account, he has had to request money and can barely cover his expenses.
His economic situation is critical, and that has had a devastating impact on his mood. So much so that he was about to lose his life. Sitting on Friday’s set! He broke his silence after years of television absence to tell how he has come here. “When I worked on TV I had very good income, quite high and lived very well. Now I have nothing, I am going through an economic bump, ”he confessed with pain. There was a time when his name was synonymous with success on the small screen, but the contracts stopped arriving, the savings vanished and the debts began to accumulate. The situation is so delicate that, he said, he has needed financial help from his own son: “It has hurt me a lot.” The actress did not hide her despair and acknowledged that she has tried to keep this problem secret for a long time. He assured that the money he had achieved invested in his son’s education and in properties, some of which he has had to sell or yield to deal with debts. “The money I have lost, I have no idea. But about ten million, ”he admitted, aware that recovering that amount is practically impossible. At the edge of death, the septicemia that almost ends with his life but Ivonne’s problems are not only economic. Some time ago he was on the verge of death due to septicemia. The infection was so serious that his family prepared for the worst. “My sister prepared my burial because they thought I was not going to survive,” he said. He even had to say goodbye to his son at a time he thought he would be the last. Finally, she managed to get ahead, although the emotional sequelae of that experience plunged her into a deep depression. Now, while trying to find an exit to this crisis, he wonders if there is anything else behind his absence on television. He left in the air the possibility that there is a black hand blocking his return to the sets. However, what is clear is that you need to continue working. “I do not come as a martyr or poor me,” he said with determination. In spite of everything, he continues to fight.
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