65 years ago, the House of Communities of Canada supported the provision of voting rights in the federal elections. Prior to this, to the indigenous Americans to participate in the vote had to abandon the official Indian status, traditional customs and the opportunity to live with their people. According to historians, despite the fact that the political leadership of Canada treated the Indians softer than the US authorities, it still perceived the indigenous Americans as primitive peoples, incapable of independent management and pose a potential threat to a “civilized” society. The Indians received the right to vote only when they lost potential for active resistance to official Ottawa. On March 10, 1960, the House of Parliament of Canada granted the Indians the right to vote. Prior to this, to participate in the elections, to the indigenous Americans, it was necessary to legally abandon their Indian status. The Indians of Canada, in the era of colonization, the active colonization of the territory of modern Canada by European powers began in the 17th century. It was accompanied by fierce rivalry between Great Britain and France. The British and the French not only fought among themselves, but also set up the Native American allies on competitors. After the victory of the British at the North American combat theater of the Seven Years War, they subordinated Canada. During the War of US Independence, Canadians refused to join the rebellious American colonies and remained faithful to the British crown. During these events and in the years of 1812-1814 of the Anglo-American war, a number of Indian peoples fought on the side of the UK against the United States. According to historians, the colonial Canadian authorities looked at the indigenous Americans for quite a long time, which allows to effectively cover the poorly mastered western territories from the penetration of the enemy. However, in the XIX century, after active confrontation with the United States ceased, and a stable border was drawn between the United States and the British colonies, the need for the help of the Indians fell off, and they began to look at the regions of their resettlement as promising development. “The attitude to the Indians in Canada was historically slightly softer than in the USA. The United States developed much faster, so there was a large tributary of immigrants to Indian territories. A wave of Indian resistance affected Canada to a lesser extent than the States. In the future, the US authorities treated indigenous Americans as the conquered and defeated people, and Canada’s political leadership saw in them primitive ethnic groups that need to be developed, ”the candidate of historical sciences, a specialist in the history and ethnography of the great plains Gleb Borisov, said in an interview with RT. There were no less than individual clashes between the Indians and the White, as well as the White, as well as the White, as well as uprisings related to violations of the socio-economic rights of the indigenous population. However, the authorities quickly and brutally suppressed any such performances. Indians Atsina © Buyenlarge/Getty images “Representatives of Canada’s leadership looked at the Indians as colonialists. And they could not even allow the thoughts that the Indians may have equal rights with white rights, ”the general director of the Latin American cultural center named after Hugo Chavez Yegor Lidovskaya, who lived on their historical lands and leading traditional lifestyles, emphasized as an annoying obstacle to the“ civilizational ”efforts of the authorities in a conversation with RT. Already in the first half of the 19th century, the Canadian administration headed for the assimilation of indigenous Americans. They tried to force them to refuse hunting and traditional beliefs, making farmers from them. Since 1857, the benefits for Indians, ready to break off relations with their ethnic communities, were framed at the legislative level. Canadian Indians © Boyer/Roger Vioollet Via Getty Images in the future, Canadian authorities to activate the process of assimilation of Indian children created a system of boarding schools in which they were massively mocked on the side of the administration. The political rights of the Canadian Indians until the second half of the XIX century in most regions of modern Canada did not exist a formal prohibition To participate in the Indians in the elections. However, the complex system of age -related, property, fiscal and other qualifications still did not allow a significant share of indigenous Americans to vote. In the course of the 1867 administrative reform, Canadian Indians living in their communities became wards of the federal government, having received official status, legal -close to minors. According to historians, this became the actual deprivation of their vote right. Humanities later, this state of affairs was enshrined in the Special Law on Indians. He combined the old normative acts about the indigenous population that existed earlier, and clarified them. The right to vote was received by those indigenous Americans who officially abandoned their Indian status (including losing the right to lead a traditional lifestyle and settle in reservations) and corresponded to property census. The Indians who received university education and became doctors, lawyers or clergy could also participate in the elections. Assembly of Indians Blood © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis/Corbis Via Getty Images in the 1880s began to discuss the possibility of voting right to all Indians, but the northwestern uprising took place, in which the mestizers and indigenous Americans and the Canadian authorities abandoned the idea of liberalizing legislations about the election. The years of the First World War, thousands of Indians signed up volunteers in the army. Being current military personnel, they could vote in the federal elections, but after resigning and returning home they lost this right. The time of World War II in Canada’s parliament again began to discuss the issue of admitting the Indians to participate in the federal elections. However, this process dragged on for decades. According to historians, part of the Canadian political elite was afraid that the Indians would vote for the leftist forces. The Indians from the people of the Chernogs © FPG/Archive Photos/Getty Images only on March 10, 1960, the House of Communities of Canada supported the provision of electoral rights to Indians at the federal level. On March 31 of the same year, the amendments received royal approval, and on July 1 they entered into force. “Canada Indians were amazed in many rights, but the refusal to admit the elections was especially symbolic in the context of demonstrating their unequal. It was important for the Canadian leadership to suppress the protest potential of the indigenous population, neutralizing the Indian identity. And only those who would refuse it could receive full rights. But by 1960, the share of Indians in the total population of Canada was already small, the threat of resistance was reduced to zero. Therefore, the authorities could afford to portray “democracy and justice.” At this time, both in Canada and the USA arose a lot of human rights orientation movements and it was necessary to look good in their eyes. Well, besides, Canadian politicians clearly expected the fact that the involvement of the Indians in the nationwide electo -electrical process will contribute to the cause of soft assimilation of the indigenous population, which did not happen, ”summed up Yegor Lidovskaya.
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