The number of subscribers to Navigo Liberté + almost doubled between November 2024 and February 2025, now exceeding the million bar. This à la carte travel formula will soon land in digital version on Android and iOS devices. Île-de-France Mobilités announces that it will be the case in June. © SLPIX / PIXABAY – The success of the Navigo Liberté + Pass is indisputable. Save save Receiving Pass Navigo alerts The success is indisputable: with a million signed contracts, the Navigo Liberté + Pass arouses certain enthusiasm from the users of Ile -de -France transport. As the Parisian recalls, this formula allows travelers to be taken monthly for the journeys made the previous month. For the moment, Liberté + only exists in the form of a physical pass, since its creation in 2019. But Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), the organizing authority for Ile-de-France transport, announces that it will soon be available in dematerialized format. It is therefore “in June”, specifies Valérie Pécresse, president of the region and IDFM, that this pass should land in your Android and iOS smartphones. “This means that you can just pass your smartphone, even turned off, on the validator, and circulate wherever you want,” explains Valérie Pécresse. You will thus have metro-train-bus or free tram correspondence. Freedom +, I wanted it because it is also necessary to adapt to teleworkers ”. This smartphone version is currently the subject of a test with 200 volunteers. Read also: new scam at the Navigo Pass, beware of this message 1.99 euros The journey of metrolled +, is the guarantee of a more advantageous price than tickets per unit. Since January 1, underlines Le Parisien, a unique metro-retaining-rein title at 2.50 euros has replaced the old T + ticket while at the same time, the sale of notebooks of 10 titles at a reduced price has ceased. This navigo pass is therefore the best compromise for travelers domiciled in Île-de-France, with a rate of 1.99 euros per metro journey-1.60 for the bus or tram. After June and the dematerialization of this pass, there will be little more than the annual navigo to make digital. IDFM ensures that this will be the case at the end of 2025. Receive our latest news each morning, most of the Capital news. (tagstotranslate) navigo pass
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