Glen Barber and Zhijian Chen had initially not been able to imagine that their discoveries could open up new ways of therapy for cancer, infections and autoimmune diseases. But after the first successes, the two American researchers remained persistent and, together with their Swiss colleague Andrea Ablasser, clarified an important signal path in human cells. Large recognition for this was received on Friday evening in the Frankfurt Paulskirche: Ablasser, Barber and Chen received the Paul-Ehrlich- and Ludwig-Darmstalter Prize, which was endowed with 120,000 euros-one of the world Most renowned awards in the field of medicine, the sponsors of which are later often honored with the Nobel Prize. Usually the inheritance substance can be found in the cell nucleus and in the mitochondria, the cell’s own power plants that have their own genetic material. If DNA swims in the cell plasma, it may come from intruders such as viruses or bacteria. Or it got there after an accident in the cell division: Such breakdowns happen more often in cancer cells than in healthy cells. In both cases, the molecular alarm starts that the doctor explored, the virologist Barber and the biochemist chen. First, an enzyme called CGAS clings to the unwanted DNA. Then CGAS ensures that the messenger fabric CGAMP is formed. This docks to a protein called Sting – a receptor that sits in the membrane of an intracellular cave system. Ling, on the other hand, triggers an immune response via other messenger molecules with which pathogens are combated or tumor cells are eliminated. Stimulation for tumor therapy, inhibition in autoimmune powdery mechanism opens up starting points for the treatment of a whole series of diseases, as the award winners explained in a press conference before the award. If it is important to combat a tumor, it may make sense to stimulate sting – through active ingredients that bind even better to the receptor than CGAMP. The opposite is advisable when the immune system turns against your own body, for example in the case of illness Lupus erythematosus. Even with neurodegenerative suffering such as Parkinson’s-DNA accumulates from defective mitochondria in the cell plasma-it seems plausible to inhibit the CGAS signal path in order to suppress harmful inflammation. According to the Paul-Ehrlich Foundation, almost 20 sting activators are currently being tested whether they can be used for cancer therapy. Such active ingredients could help to make tumors who know how to camouflage themselves before the immune system. So far, two medication that could be used against head and neck tumors have qualified for clinical phase II studies. Work on inhibitions for Sting is not yet so advanced. Ablater has already synthesized a prototype; In the meantime, several large pharmaceutical companies are also active in this area. In the case of all types of cancer, significantly significant words are initially particularly suitable for the development of new medication, primarily diseases based on a single genetic defect. Such sufferings sometimes lead to death in childhood, but they are rare – unlike complex diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, whose treatment pharmaceutical companies can earn a lot of money. Barber emphasizes that the signal path discovered by him and his colleagues play a role in all types of cancer. He promises to be a healing success primarily through the combination of the sting reinforcement with immune and radiation therapies. The Bonn biologist received the Paul-Ehrlich and Ludwig-Darmstaedter youngsters equipped with 60,000 euros on Friday. Ackels has shown on mice that the sense of smell can process information in a much shorter clock than previously thought. This may open up new options for dementia diagnostics, because according to recent knowledge, olfactory deficits can occur before the memory decreases.
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