Last Monday, two respiratory crises made the worst fear. But after a week, everything seems to have changed: the improvements in the Pope’s health are already “consolidated”, Francisco “is not in danger of life” and, for the first time, doctors have decided to register the prognosis.
It is not just a formal procedure, since the Pontiff, admitted for almost a month in the Gemelli of Rome by bilateral pneumonia, can now seriously think about returning to the Vatican. Not immediately, because, according to the part issued by the press room, “in consideration of the complexity of the clinical picture and the important infectious picture that presented to admission, it will be necessary to continue, for a few more days, with pharmacological medical therapy in a hospital environment.” In short, hospitalization will continue for a few more days, probably at least another week, “due to the complex picture.” However, the signs begin to be encouraging. “The improvements recorded in the previous days have been further consolidated – it is read in the statement – as confirmed by both blood and clinical evaluation and good response to pharmacological therapy.”
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// Function to fetch the latest posts
function fetchLatestPosts() {
const feedUrl = ‘’; // Replace with your blog’s RSS feed URL
.then(response => response.text())
.then(str => new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(str, “text/xml”))
.then(data => {
const items = Array.from(data.querySelectorAll(“item”));
const latestPostsContainer = document.getElementById(“latest-posts”);
latestPostsContainer.innerHTML = ”; // Clear previous posts
// Shuffle the items array
const shuffledItems = items.sort(() => Math.random() – 0.5);
// Select the first 5 items from the shuffled array
const selectedItems = shuffledItems.slice(0, 5);
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// Loop through the selected items and display them
selectedItems.forEach(post => {
const link = post.querySelector(“link”).textContent;
const description = post.querySelector(“description”).textContent;
// Create a new post element
const postElement = document.createElement(“div”);
postElement.innerHTML = `
${description} Read more
// Append the new post element to the container
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching the latest posts:’, error));
// Call the function to fetch and display the latest posts
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