“Reduce migration with all reasonable measures”

Prime Minister, her SPD has always been against rejections from asylum seekers at the German borders. Now that should happen. Does this no longer violate European law? We stated that this can only be done in coordination with the neighboring countries. That was important to the SPD. So far there have been rejections at the border. Now we are guided by the model, as it is already being practiced on the Swiss border. They have mentioned the Swiss model as a model. Based on a bilateral contract, the German federal police can already stop migrants on Swiss territory and thus prevent them from entering. Should there be more such contracts now? This should be set up in this spirit. The SPD does not accept factual border closures that would be necessary for other models because this would have a fatal effect in my state, for example, is that a migration turn? It is important to us that Germany remains a modern country of immigration. We need migration to the job market. But we will reduce the irregular migration with all legally and humanitarian -justifiable measures and attribute those who are already here – especially if they commit crimes. Union and SPD want to process the citizens’ allowance, introduce parts of Hartz IV, such as the priority of mediation in work and sanctions. Will there not be enormous resistance in your party? It’s still about promoting and demanding. If you become unemployed, you have to get help. But if you refuse work completely, you have to expect sanctions. It is the common spirit that in times of shortage of skilled workers we want to convey more precisely into the labor market. And we will proceed more clearly if someone receives support and also work on black on the side. Here, too, the following applies: Law and case law sets narrow limits, for example in the scope of the sanctions. The SPD regarded Hartz IV as their demise. Therefore the question: Will there be no resistance? There will definitely be discussions, including other points. But I think it’s right. In the past few months, many SPD voters have asked me that they do not feel as fair, especially if it is exploited. And it is also the case that a great ability to compromise is needed when there are such different parties as the Union and the SPD. We are aware of responsibility and know that the next federal government must be successful. Activate external content immediately after the agreement there was a parliamentary group meeting on Saturday. We rated the SPD MPs the agreement? We have achieved a historical investment package and a modernization of the debt brake. We have a solid basis for economic growth and justice, from competitive electricity prices to growth impulses to higher minimum wages, more collective bargaining and less taxes for the working center. Of course, there is a broad discussion in the parliamentary group and party. However, it is recognized that we can make a lot of social democracy for the country from a bad election result. The migration points controversial in the whole society have been discussed intensively. A symbolic accommodation of the SPD? It is clear that only can be done, which is also legally possible. In the context of this, however, the Union and SPD must approach each other. The Union meets us with the increase in the minimum wage – we do it in terms of migration. It is clear to everyone involved what responsibility they have to ensure that a quick, but also stable government formation is possible. This requires a shaken level of willingness to compromise. Investment package over 500 billion euros, the minimum wage to 15 euros, the pension level should be retained. Is it the fate of the SPD to be able to implement the most as a junior partner? We have big challenges, so you need big answers. Together we have to ensure that there is economic impulses so that companies invest. However, it must also be clear that the hard -working people who keep our country going will benefit from these impulses. In addition to the questions of external and internal security, the question of social security is a very important one. The balance is right in the exploratory paper. If the coalition is, it is impressed to strengthen the cohesion in society and that there is more confidence in politics. The coalition between the Union and the SPD is held together by high expenses: reintroduction of the electric car premium, expansion of the mother’s pension, reimbursement of the reimbursement of the agricultural diesel and the reduction of VAT in the catering. Is the special fund for infrastructure only serves to create scope for election gifts in the household? These are not gifts. It makes more sense to invest billions in jobs – even if these are debts – to have to finance billions for unemployment later. We need new economic growth. And investments that have been failed for two decades. Together with the support for Ukraine, this cannot be removed from the current household. Why is there so little effort to save? We’re not finished yet. Household consolidation must also be. I come from a federal state where this discipline has been the order of the day for a long time. We will reduce the expenses – but we should not open up new social conflicts.

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